
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Two haiku

Bend in the river

Where the sharpest roses grow
Shelter my repose

In blue essence deep
The old wise ones turn to sleep
Past the lost shadows 

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Sample Sunday: Moon beams

From Kaleidoscope

Moon beams

Distancing the days
In her fragile accolade
The moon reaches down
Towards coloured boats bobbing
Twinkling she shines
Lighting the way
For every stranger passing
And old friends returning
She travels the skies
In a silvery glide
Always remembering
The shortness of time

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Words with... Linda Rae Blair

Thanks to Linda Rae Blair for this interview

What is your day job or are you lucky enough to write for a living?

I’m retired and now writing at my leisure.

What books have you written so far?

The Chicago Trilogy “Intersections - Love, Betrayal, Murder”
“Where Is Harry”
“Claire: A Woman’s Journey - NY Heiress ~ Chicago Madam
“Richard: It’s In The Blood”
“100 Years of Brotherly Love”
The Preston Andrews Mysteries -
            “Hard Press’d”
            “Press’d Into Action”
            “Press’d To The Wall”
            “Press On”
            “Pressing Engagement”
            “Press The Message Home” - due to Release 2012
            “Press ‘n SEAL” - due to Release 2012
“The Board Game Murders”

What works in progress do you have?

“Press The Message Home” - due to Release 2012
“Press ‘n SEAL” - due to Release 2012

How long did it take you to write your books?

“The Board Game Murders” was written in 12 hours. It was a fun little exercise that simply wrote itself. The average is probably a month or two. These numbers, of course, do not take into consideration the editing time by others.

Do you write linear, or jump back and forth? Do you plan or write by the seat of your pants?

If you are asking whether my books are linear - no. As to the writing process, I often know what has happened but seldom know whodunit until the characters reveal it. I have to admit to writing the very last scene before I finished the mystery storyline, but only because the very first page dictated that I do so. 

Why do you write?

Well, it’s a long story and I have a blog that tells it all. I hope your site’s readers will take the time to enjoy it!

How long have you been writing?

I did a lot of writing as part of my work prior to retirement. I’ve been writing fiction for 4 years.

Where and when do you write? Do you have set times?

Most often I write at Starbucks during the day. I enjoy the music and coffee, and it keeps my cat from sitting on my mouse! As part of my contract with myself, I write when I’m darned good and ready, and not before. When it becomes work it will no longer be fun!

Which character from your books do you like most / are most like?

I really like a lot of my characters. Claire (“Claire: A Woman’s Journey - NY Heiress ~ Chicago Madam”) has a lot of determination and a very loving heart. Richard (“Richard: It’s In The Blood”) - what can I say about Richard? For faithfulness, he’s outstanding. Preston (The Preston Andrews Mysteries series) is a hunk, rich beyond 0s, loving, smart - what’s there not to like? But somehow, Autumn (“100 Years of Brotherly Love”) comes through. She’s strong, funny with a sarcastic edge, bright, a skilled professional, an artist and, yes, she’s the most like me.

What/who inspired you to write and still inspires you?

Again, I would refer your readers to my blog. It was a family-related issue and a casual comment by a friend. Once the ball got rolling, the characters and the stories they want to tell drive this train!

What do you think is the ideal recipe for a good novel or story?

Of course, a good story, but you also need characters the reader can feel for and about - people in which the reader can become invested. As for my personal choices, I like to add scenery the readers can smell, taste and enjoy - or by which they can be revolted - as in an autopsy scene.

Have you ever based a character on someone from real life?

Oh, heavens, yes! I shoved an ex-husband out of a window during the stock market crash of 1929, and “Where is Harry?” is loaded with family members, although not necessarily identified by their correct places in the family. My granddaughter asked to be a character, so she was added into “Pressing Engagement” as Samantha Hartley (not her real name, although she is a Samantha).

Fave things: animal? food? drink? film? colour? band? song?

Cats of most any variety. My current love is Potter As In  H-A-I-R-Y (otherwise known as “lead gut” or “Pottie”) who is a 17-pound tuxedo with a white streak up his face that immediately reminded me of Harry Potter.

Seafood, including calamari. When my grandson comes to town while he’s on leave, we always go out for calamari. He’s my only relative who enjoys it. No one else will even eat fish!

For many years it was “Gone With The Wind”. It has since been replaced by the Harry Potter series. I have all the DVDs and hold HP marathons whenever the mood strikes me.

This is hard. I don’t like most “bands” these days. I especially loved the Vietnam War-era bands and just recently lost my fav “Creedance Clearwater” DVD in an auto accident. I enjoy Doughtry when he’s on the radio, but haven’t bought anything of his yet. Did I mention that I love Creedance Clearwater? Oh, then there is Aerosmith. Better quit while we’re all ahead.

I love Creedance Clearwater - Bad Moon Rising is my fave!! - Vickie

Nessun Dorma when sung by a really good tenor.

You’re walking in the forest and you bump into an alien librarian from Mars. He wants five book recommendations from you…

Well, since most of the trouble we get ourselves into is about religion and customs, I’d have to include a copy of the
Bible, the Torah and the original Quran. So, with only two left, humour and the ability to not take ourselves so seriously - something by Mark Twain; and for our drive and determination - a biography of perhaps Martin Luther King or someone else who has overcome obstacles to climb as high as a human can climb.    

Who is your favourite character from any book and why?
Well, I recently read the autobiography of Mark Twain and I have to say THERE was a character. He took a number of things in life very seriously, but never himself.

Which book do you wish you had written?

The Harry Potter series. The reasons are oh so obvious!

Which three authors would you like to take to the pub?

Not to beat a dead horse, but Mark Twain, Jane Austin and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 

Are you published or self-published? What is your experience?

If you are self-published, are you not published? I say yes!

How do you find the marketing experience? Any advice for other writers?

I hate marketing - always have - always will! That said, she laughed, one must do what one must do. I have stuck with social media so far.

Do you have a blog? What do you blog about?

I do have a blog,, where I follow the advice of a gentleman named John Locke and post only when I have something of value to say. Not often enough to drive my subscribers crazy trying to keep up with me.

What other hobbies do you have?

I am also an artist, painting in acrylics on canvas.

What would you like to achieve in the next five years?

Last week I had the #8 ranked Free Kindle Book on Amazon. I currently have five in the top 1% of all Kindle ebooks on Amazon. I would love to make the top 100 list of Amazon books!

If you won the Lotto or a major publishing contract, what would you do with that dosh?

Travel, travel, travel!

Complete one of these stories in 100 words or less…

There was once a wee worm called Fred.... and somebody found him very, very dead. The chief caterpillar-in-charge looked at the small and the large, but the killer could not be found. At last he declared, in his official decree, “I’ve decided he drowned!”

What question do you wish I’d asked and, of course, what is the answer?

Where can I buy your books?

Indie Book Lounge (has links to many purchase sites) (paperback and Kindle)
Amazon France (paperback in English)
Breakthrough Book Store - use the Amazon search box to find all my novels by searching for “Linda Rae Blair”
eBooks (Smashwords - has formats for Sony, Kobo, Kindle, Nook, Apple, Diesel)
Kobo (not all titles are currently available from this source - see Smashwords for Kobo format of other titles)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Sample Sunday: from Kiwi in Cat City

Chapter fifteen: the factory tour

“Come on Paws!” shouted Kiwi. “It’s not much further. We should hurry before the sun goes down and curfew starts.”
“Ok, Ok,” he replied, opening yet another sandwich. “I’m just hungry - I forgot to have my breakfast!”
“But it’s the afternoon,” whispered James to Amy.
“Did you remember to bring the permit?” asked Kiwi.
“Permit?” stammered Paws.
“Yes… to enter the building…”
“Oh that permit…”
Kiwi put her paws on her head. “You’ve forgotten it, haven’t you?” she growled, turning to confront Paws. The others stopped too.
“Well, no I didn’t forget it…” stammered the clumsy cat.
“So, you’ve got it?” asked Kiwi, relieved.
“Well, no…. I just failed to remember it, that’s all,” said Paws, ducking Kiwi’s swipe.
“So where is it,” she growled.
“Back with uncle!”
“Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,” said Kiwi and knocked Paws’ sandwich into the dirt. He pouted and then scrambled to retrieve the best bits.
An hour later, on their second attempt that afternoon, the cats and the kittens returned to the building. Kiwi made sure she carried the permit and that Paws had no sandwiches to distract him. The factory had a massive, cobbled drive, which swept upwards from iron railings to a big entrance - quite grand for a factory.
“This is a much posher entrance than the alley,” said Amy with wide eyes.
The building had three floors and was built of old stone. Gargoyles in the shape of fish heads with bulging eyeballs gazed down from above the windows. Kiwi rang the bell, which was on a very long chain, and waited. The heavy, wooden door was opened by a friendly, young brown cat, rather than Ginger, whom they had half expected to come roaring down the driveway.
“Hello there, I’m Mr Dogg,” announced the skinny, brown cat, who was wearing little black boots and a black cap. Amy and James just stared in astonishment.
“Hello,” said Kiwi politely. “I have a permit from the mayor to view the factory. I came to interview Mr J Catskins just the other day.”
“Let me see,” said Mr Dogg, studying the permit. “Ah alright, come in. I will show you around. I just need to tell Mr J Catskins first.”
The door slammed with a clang and the cats found themselves in a brightly coloured hallway with an emerald green carpet. There were two doors, to the right and left, and a huge, wooden staircase swept upwards straight ahead. Kiwi noticed with a smile that the light bulbs were the regulation, blue type.
“This is a cool place,” said James, nudging Amy.
“Very different from the bits we explored,” she whispered.
“What an impressive staircase,” said James loudly. “And all of those pictures of cats with moustaches and old hats with feathers and stuff - they must be very old. They look like they’ve stepped out of a history book.”
“They are all the past owners of the factory,” announced Mr Dogg, appearing suddenly. The others jumped and turned round. “I’ve checked with Mr J Catskins and he has agreed that I can show you around. He is too busy to do it himself. I’m sure you won’t mind, no?”
“That’s fine,” purred Kiwi.
Mr Dogg went bright red and adjusted his cap.
James stopped in front of the last in the line of pictures. “That must be Madame Purrfect,” he said, pointing to a picture of a sleek, rather attractive, blue Burmese cat with soft, grey eyes and a white feather boa. A necklace with a fish-shaped, red stone glittered around her neck. “No wonder old Furrball keeps staring out of windows when her name is mentioned,” he whispered to his sister.
“Wow,” said Amy.
“Yes,” said Mr Dogg sternly. “That’s the previous owner of the factory. Retired a year ago.”
“Did you know her?” asked Kiwi.
“No,” he replied. “I started working here after she had gone and Mr J Catskins had taken over. Oh excuse me,” he sighed as the phone on the wall began to meow.
Amy and James stared at the phone. It was meowing??!!
So, Mr Catskins was wrong - not all of the staff had been here for years,” thought Kiwi.
The cats pretended to talk while listening.
“Hello?” said Mr Dogg. “Yes, I see no problem.” Replacing the phone receiver, he said “follow me,” and started to walk up the staircase with its green-painted floorboards to a wide landing, which was really a gigantic room swathed in emerald green carpet. In the corner stood a mini catbar and loads of squishy green cushions were scattered around the floor. Amy noticed a few cat toys dotted about and something that looked like a scratching post. She rubbed her eyes. Yes, it was a scratching post!
“This is where we entertain guests and visitors to the company,” explained Mr Dogg. Kiwi noted the blue lights. Nothing unusual here.
There were three doors at the end of the landing: one white, one yellow and one green, all with gold-coloured handles. Mr Dogg opened the yellow one first, which was full of cat litter trays, all yellow, along with cat size sinks and dryers. The room smelt of fish. “We like to keep it sweet smelling in here.” In the corner was a row of showers. A ladycat sat in the middle of the room, offering a range of perfumes, snacks and ribbons.
“This is the bathroom - all new facilities - unisex, you know. It’s the new thing, and no-one has complained yet,” said Mr Dogg. “We have shower cubicles, but we find that most catizens prefer the self-wash. I guess old habits die hard!”
Amy and James stared in disbelief - no-one was ever going to believe this!
“Ok, moving on, through the green door, I can show you where our famous cat biscuits are made and packed for sale,” smiled Mr Doggs proudly.
“What about the white door?” whispered James.
“Ssshhhh,” hissed Amy, pushing him forward. “We’ll probably see it later.”
Paws trundled along behind, munching on some snack from the bathroom. He dropped wrappers on the floor. James scooped them up and put them in a bin.
“Well, this is where our biscuits are made,” announced Mr Dogg, as they all followed along a green line painted along the wooden floor, which cut straight across a really massive, high-walled room. All around, machines buzzed and hummed, and rattled and whirred. Cats dressed in little white hats, aprons, gloves and socks rushed around busily. No-one chatted. A cat-radio sang out from somewhere. Amy could make out lots of faint mewing and the odd purr, strangely in tune. She blinked.
“Look,” she pointed to James, “They’re all wearing little white socks!”
Mr Doggs heard: “That is for hygiene. We don’t want any extra ingredients in our biscuits!”
In one corner of the room was a big mixer into which some cats were pouring various unknown ingredients. The giant machine whirred and whirred, and a tube emerged from the side, which passed along into another mixer into which other cats were adding more ingredients. The mixer whirred and spun very fast. James felt dizzy watching it and nearly fell over his tail. Splodges of mixture plopped out of the end on to a wide conveyor belt, which whizzed along into an oven, and then whizzed out and under a presser to be made into shapes.
“Wow,” said James, rushing over to look at the end result - the familiar looking, fish-shaped Catskins Biscuits, which were still warm. Their scrumptious aroma filled the room.
“What’s in them?” asked Amy as the lines of biscuits whizzed past her eyes.
“That’s a very old - and very secret - recipe,” laughed Mr Dogg. “It’s even a mystery to us workers.”
A hush fell over the kittens. Top secret? Wow!
“No! Please don’t touch!” yelled Mr Dogg, bouncing on his little black booties. Paws was dangerously close to the conveyor belt of perfectly warm goodies. “You can have some when we get to the packing section. And try not to dribble!”
“Yum, free food,” whispered James as Paws strode off grumbling.
They followed the green-painted line and headed onwards as the conveyor belt whizzed past into the next room where the biscuits sat in neat lines, waiting to cool down. Cats moved swiftly, wrapping and packing them, while others placed the end result on another conveyor belt, which whizzed onwards.
Mr Dogg stopped and inspected the process, and picked up four packets of freshly packed biscuits. He handed them out; one packet each. “Now, don’t eat them all at once,” he grinned.
The cats followed as Mr Dogg led them further down the factory and into the next room. Behind them, the loud crunching of Paws’ jaws could be heard above the whizz and whirr of the machinery!
“Right, this is the packing room,” announced Mr Dogg. All around them, cats in white gloves and boots were packing biscuits into crates, and dragging them in wheelbarrows to a lift at the side of the room. Amy looked up and nudged James. Up above they could see the metal beam that they had crossed, terrified.
“Where does the lift go?” asked Kiwi.
“To the cellar and the two upper floors,” said Mr Dogg. “We’ll go to the cellar next. The upstairs floors are the owner’s private residence.”
Amy glanced around the packing room. There were no more doors anywhere except for the lift. They all crept into the lift, which rushed down with a whoosh, shuddered, shook and stopped with a mighty bump. Ouch. They all stumbled to their four feet and stumbled out. Kiwi sighed - Cat City lifts were just too embarrassing.
“Ok,” said Mr Dogg. “This is the cellar. Here we store all of our crates for delivery. And over here is the delivery hatch.” He opened what resembled a giant catflap by pressing a green button on the wall. The hatch opened with a loud, whirring noise and outside was a small carpark with three green vans, their sides emblazoned with the words ‘Catskins Biscuits, Cat City’s oldest and best’ in big, gold lettering. A driver sat in one of the vans, dressed in a green uniform, reading the Morning Meow.
“Right, well that’s probably the grand tour,” said Mr Doggs, rubbing his paws together. “Shall I take you to the entrance?”
Kiwi hesitated, looking around. “What is in those crates?”
“Biscuits, of course,” said Mr Dogg. “What else?”
Kiwi paused. “Can I open one?”
Mr Dogg looked amazed. “Of course,” he said, opening one with his claw. “If you would just help me with the lid… thanks… take a look inside…”
“What are you looking for?” asked Paws, who kept burping loudly from eating far too many fishy cookies.
James turned his nose away.
“Just checking,” said Kiwi. “I’m sure everything is fine, but I have to check these things.” She unpacked the entire case, to the astonishment of Mr Dogg, and peered inside. How odd. The case was sound. There was no false bottom to it. How strange. She pretended not to be surprised and replaced the biscuits, one by one.
“Well,” she said, cheerfully, “everything seems to be in order. Thank you for your time and showing us around. We have many other companies to check so we better get going now. You have to understand that we have to search the entire city for these missing catizens. I guess you’ve read the Morning Meow and know about all this. Please tell Mr J Catskins this. We like to keep good relations with people.”
“I will,” said Mr Dogg, smiling back. “I hope you have had a most enjoyable visit. It was my pleasure to show you around. Any questions before you go?”
“Errrmmmm, do you have any more free biscuit samples,” asked Paws, wiping crumbs off his nose. “You know, for police purposes, of course!”
The kittens sighed.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


In a stream of bubbles
Light, white, bright
The air flies above
I dive
Deeper in the dark
No light beckons
No thoughts cry out
I dive
I feel the lightness
The weightlessness
 Of falling
No safety chute
 Just me
Light as a feather
In the warm glow
Of the summer
I fall
Sliding into the void
Where we like to play
As the bubbles
Around my head
A dream
Of swimming like a fish
With scales
Of orange
Slipping and sliding
Out of reach
I breathe now
The bubbles drift away
I watch them
Float free

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Friday, 11 November 2011

A poem for Remembrance


Marching in formation
Across distant lands
Enduring the unendurable
For a distant cause

Marching in formation
Up long, steep hills
Crossing mudflats and seas
For a patriotic cause

Marching in formation
Forever forward
Seeing things never forgotten
For a government’s cause

Marching in formation
For this the poppies grow
In patches of red blood
For the worthiest cause

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Words with... Robert F DeBurgh

Thanks to Robert F DeBurgh for this interview

What is your day job or are you lucky enough to write for a living?
Up until six years ago I was a commercial/airline pilot and flight instructor. I also spent 18 years as an examiner and counsellor for the Federal Aviation Administration. Due to a heart problem I had to retire from aviation and now write full-time. I also do some photo work for a local newspaper, and restore and sell a few classic motorcycles.

What books have you written so far?
My current published books are Riders of the Wind and Winds of Fate. Both are adventure novels set against an aviation background from the 1920s to the end of World War II.

What works in progress do you have?
At present I’m working on the third novel in the ‘Riders of the Wind’ series. This takes place in post-WWII China and follows my characters through some of the most horrendous terrain in the world: the Taklamakan Desert and the Kunlun Shan mountain range. I also have a semi-fiction book in the works, titled One-eyed Pete and Other Stories (mostly true) – tales of two wheels. This is a collection of stories from my motorcycling days in the late 1950s.

How long did it take you to write your book/s?
Riders of the Wind took almost three years, including a lot of research. This included tracking down flying examples of many of the aircraft mentioned in the book and, if possible, flying them myself. Winds of Fate took about 18 months, and included a trip to India to visit the old flying fields of WWII and the site of the siege of Imphal.

Do you write linear, or jump back and forth? Do you plan or write by the seat of your pants?
I tend to write mostly linear, but find it necessary to jump back and forth when the scene changes or when I have to put in a flashback.

Why do you write?
That’s a good question. I find that writing is sometimes very painful for me, especially novels. Magazine articles or newspaper stories are no problem. I do enjoy writing about little known events in history; for instance, the heroic Hump operation during WWII when the US supplied China with essential material by flying this cargo over the Himalayas from India. This operation was so dangerous due to the altitudes flown, weather and Japanese fighters that one could follow the wreckage of the cargo planes on the ground all the way from India to Kunming, China. This is known as ‘The Aluminum Trail’.

How long have you been writing?
Since I was in my teens. I first started writing for a local newspaper when I was 18, and wrote a sports car column for one paper and an aviation column for another. My first magazine article was published when I was 19.

Where and when do you write? ­ Do you have set times?
When I was writing Riders of the Wind, I wrote mostly at night. I’d come home from a flight, eat dinner, and go directly to the computer where I’d stay until 2am or 3am, working on the manuscript. Now I have the luxury of writing during the day.

Which character from your books do you like most / are most like?
I think that I like Phil Haley the most. He’s an old pilot and manager of the airline who is quite a father figure for the rest of my characters. I’m probably more like Charlie Cross though. He’s one of the main characters in my stories and reflects my personality.

What/who inspired you to write and still inspires you?
I was first inspired to write by my high-school writing teacher, who encouraged me to begin writing short stories and submitting them to various sci-fi magazines. I actually sold a few.

What do you think is the ideal recipe for a good novel or story?
Write about what you know. If you’re not knowlegeable in your subject area, your readers will soon pick up on the fact. Also, keep the action going and don’t let the reader get bored.

Have you ever based a character on someone from real life?
Definitely, Charlie Cross is based on my uncle, Charles A Cross Jr, who was a mail pilot in the 1920s and a pioneer airline pilot in the 1930s. Doretta Cross is based on my aunt, Doretta, who was a pioneer of women as pilots with the airlines and was a WASP during World War II. I wish I could say that the Forest Goddess was based on a real person, but unfortunately she’s just an Indian legend though the invisible tribes do exist in the Pantanal and the Mato Grosso.

Fave things: animal? food? drink? film? colour? band? song?
My favourite animal is the wolf – they are noble animals; intelligent and with a structured society.  
Favourite food would be pizza or maybe cheeseburgers. I’m not supposed to eat either of them.
My favourite film is probably Avatar, but I have so many films I like that it’s hard to choose the #1.  
Fave colour is red. I have no idea why.  
Fave band is Benny Goodman.
Fave song is the theme from the Broadway play Cats. Not the version by Barbara Streisand, but the one by Betty Buckley, the original singer in the show.

You’re walking in the forest and you bump into an alien librarian from Mars. He wants five book recommendations from you…
I would recommend The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway),  Johnathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach), The high and the Mighty (Earnest K. Gann),  The Little Prince  (Antoine DeSaint Exupery) and The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett).

Who is your favourite character from any book and why? 
Saint Exupery himself in his book Flight to Arras. I admire his courage in completing a reconaissance flight over Arras during the early stages of WWII; a flight that had little chance of a safe return and the gathering of then useless information since the French Army was in full retreat at the time. He did what he had to do and survived to write a novella of profound philosophy.

Who is your hero / heroine?
I think my real-life hero would be Jimmy Doolittle and my heroine would be Amelia Earhart.

Which book do you wish you had written?
Doctor Zhivago, a wonderful story set in the most turbulent times Russia has ever known.

Which three authors would you like to take to the pub?
Hemingway, Carl Marx and Machiavelli. Can you imagine the arguments after a few pints? We’d have to call the cops.

Are you published or self-published? What is your experience?
I’m mainly self published. Riders of the Wind and Winds of Fate are published in ebook format with Smashwords and in paperback with iUniverse. This is going to change, however, since I’m canceling my contract with iUniverse and will republish my paperbacks with CreateSpace.

How do you find the marketing experience? Any advice for other writers?
The marketing experience, for me, is frustrating, but I am selling fairly well. Just promote your work anywhere and any time you have the opportunity. Price your work to sell, but don’t give away the hours you spent writing your book; after all, this was time spent out of your life and you need to be compensated for it. If you have a message or philosophy to deliver to the reading public, then all well and good, give your work away free or for 99 cents, but if you want to make a living out of writing you can’t afford to do this. 

Do you have a blog? What do you blog about?
No blog yet, but it’s coming.

What other hobbies do you have?
I restore antique and classic motorcycles. I ride ‘em too.

What would you like to achieve in the next five years?
I would like to have five more novels in publication and perhaps sell the movie rights to one of them. I think Riders of the Wind would make a great film.

If you won the Lotto or a major publishing contract, what would you do with that dosh?
Buy a new house with lots of property and much more room, so I don’t have to write in the kitchen.

Complete one of these stories in 100 words or less…
I’m not good at this!

What question do you wish I’d asked and, of course, what is the answer?
Do you write poetry? Yes I do! In fact I’m working on compiling a book of poetry, to be titled Blossoms in the Snow. I was hoping to have it out for the Holidays, but it will now be after the New Year.

Book links:
Riders of the Wind:
Winds of Fate:
Riders of the Wind: a novel (paperback):