
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (42): haiku from Life's Rhythms

Hi, here are some old poems of mine, published in Life's Rhythms. I just had the best pizza and cocktails from Aces & Eights in Tufnell Park! Recommended. Happy Tuesday! :)

Rain fallen like stars
Sprinkles silver-like touches,
Dancing beside me

Some distant day she’ll
Return when she sees beauty
In a rainbow sing

Under sparkling stars
She laughs like water cascades
Rippling endlessly

Raspberries blood red
Ripe, soft and so succulent
Chilled ice-cream slithers

In the dry still heat
The lizard basks, eyes aloft
Watching out for lunch

Eyes turn to the sun,
River of blue-black shimmers
On peacock feathers

Leaves hurtle, twisting,
Dropping without an echo –
Curved, their hands open

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Monday, 30 March 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (41): 3 haiku

It's 3 little haiku today! So need to get my head around writing novels... think I may have had a bit of a block over this last year. It's just been poems and little flash fiction bits. Anyone in the same boat?? Can we find an oar? Or a bigger boat?

Paws of black and white
Padding with a hop and bounce
More like a bunny

(Yep, that one's about my darling kitty! She does run that way)

Striped socks, silver tree
Heart-shaped glass whispers to me - 
Tells me to be free

Horizons beckon
Where these wings take to the sky
Stuff of endless dreams

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Friday, 27 March 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (40): There is nothing to say #antibullying

Someone asked me recently why I wrote this one, back in March, and I think it was to end the stigma. I'd been talking to a friend about the subject and we had it in common. I've met soooo many people who've experienced bullying yet it's like a dirty secret no one wants to broadcast and why should they? It's a confidence stealer and everyone wants to feel good about themselves, not crap. But if we shouted it from the rooftops, could we change it? I still read in the media about teenagers committing suicide because of bullying, feeling they had no one to turn to. If we could end the stigma and talk about it, and take it seriously and do something about it, perhaps more people would be saved and fewer lives would be damaged. 

A poem written for JD Mader's #2minutesgo challenge on his website, Unemployed Imagination. As usual, the title and prompt is from a line in his first story, although ironically there is a lot to say on this subject. 

This one is on a subject I feel strongly about and I'll never understand: bullies and slanderers. 

Like many people I've met in life, I experienced and saw bullying in my secondary school, and the teachers did nothing about it - one teacher turned a blind eye while another joined in by laughing, which basically was support for the bullies. Yep, it's hard to understand that choice. Luckily, I think this is changing as people become more aware of how destructive bullying can be, and teachers and parents should explain why it is wrong to kids.

But then kids are kids. Later they grow up and it's adult bullying for which there really is no excuse. I don't get it. Are they the school bullies who never grew out of it? What is missing in their life that they want to destroy someone else's, which is basically the end result. Is it because bullying gives their life meaning or they love the drama? Or do they enjoy watching someone else sink? 

Couldn't they find themselves a hobby instead?

What kind of person orchestrates the ruin of someone they don't even know? And what kind of person then follows the bully and does exactly the same thing? Do they find it fun? Is it a game to them? If the bully/slanderer actually knew the psychological and physical impact on their "prey",
would they stop? I'd like to think so, but it seems empathy, sympathy and just plain kindness aren't universal. 

There is nothing to say (that hasn't been said before)

Nothing left to say
Or do
If no-one asks
You cannot defend
The sun sets
Upon nothing
An emptiness creeping
From anger seeping
A stasis
Substance stopped
An effigy
Of the person blinds
Living in denial
In a bid to ignore
Each and every day
The things heard
The things spread
The lies
Burning like a candle
Carried like a mantle
Dying in forever
Drifting on the wind
The words
Carried far
Until despair lingers
Turning light to dark
White to grey
Stealing hope
Confidence even
Without grace
No one asks
No one questions
Lifts a mirror up
To stark reality
Or even stops to think
It might not be true
Aggressively joining
The feeding frenzy
Without a care
Or a second thought
To ask is too easy
And would deny
The rumour maker.

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (39): If I leave

Yet another poem written from a prompt on JD Mader's Friday 2minutesgo challenge. I think this one took more than two minutes - say five to ten. Cheers :)

If I leave

If I leave will you follow
Way out there into the dark,
Where the world weaves
Its own deceptive light?

Is it better to disappear
Altogether while you sleep,
Or to tell you all these things
I’ve kept so close so long?

Will the time come anyway?
Will the ending be the same?

In these seconds I can see
My decisions flow in clarity,
See the real and the unreal,
Opposites, standing side by side

But then the moment turns,
Fast unravelling and I am lost
As the ebb and flow of things
Floods every decision I make

If I seek to win will I lose?
If I mind to lose will I win?

In this game we seek to play
Are we deceiving ourselves
While the Fates grin and bear
Each and every mistake of ours?

Closing the door softly, I leave
To step upon a spread of snow,
Beneath flakes falling like my veil
Into this tangled dark I know.

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Friday, 20 March 2015

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring #bloghop #giveaway

Hello, and welcome to a hop welcoming in the Spring. On this hop, a bunch of writers are giving away books, swag and gifts galore, and they'll be posting stories and other interesting things. Just click on the links at the bottom to hop to the other blogs. Cheers and have fun! I'm so glad Spring is around the corner... bye Winter, brr, hello bunnies, boing! :)

First, here's a poem for Spring (previously posted on this blog)


In this greenest of grass
Where the cracked ivy winds
Ever searching to burrow
Buttercups nod to the sun
This blaze of egg-yolk yellow
Set in a wash of purest blue
Here, in the mind’s eye
The imagination runs wild
A neon-blue dragonfly
Flits delicate gossamer wings
Whirring to create a current
Of moving air to play upon
Against nature’s own breeze
These valleys dive deep below
Verdant fields of lowing sheep
Unrestrained by fences
Wandering as free as they will
Bowing to the buttercups bobbing
Where the dragonfly hums

Now for the giveaway - 

I've published 15 books and I'm giving away the following prizes -

Winner - ebook copies of The Sea Inside, I Dream of Zombies, Kiwi in Cat City, Day of the Living Pizza and 3 Heads & a Tail. If you like poetry, I'll happily throw in one of those too.

Runners-up - 5 people will win an ebook of their choice.

To win, all you need to do is enter the Rafflecopter competition below - Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here are the other participating blogs in the hop - click and go! Thanks for visiting! 

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Flash fiction 5: the waiting #2minutesgo

Hi! Today, I'm posting a little bit of flash fiction that I wrote for JD Mader's 2-minute writing challenge. It's on his blog, Unemployed Imagination, every Friday if you fancy a go. As usual, I took my writing prompt from his first story - 'the waiting had almost killed him'. Cheers.

The waiting had almost killed him

Waiting. Always waiting. He checked his watch. Almost on the hour. The time drew near. Wet roses. Waft of lemons. Soft plaintiff breath on the air. So cold. He felt it. Just there. Almost a hand’s grip away and then it swerved. A dumb call, lost in the quiet. Except for those deep, even breaths. Then nothing. Almost as quickly, it dispersed, trickling away around the corners, into the walls, hiding. He moved, tasting his own fear in his mouth. That metallic, cold and hard. His own breathing rushed like water through his ears, his muscles tensing. It called him. Always now. Around the hallway into the dim light. Candles lit the way, newly lighted. His welcome greeting to her. When she made it, he would follow. If she could escape the nightmare. Her life. The hallway twisted, altering perspective, pulling the ground up to the heights, and his heart leapt into his throat as the shadow shifted upon the walls. Flickering in the candlelight. Shimmering. Vague as the night. Lithe as the air. She danced in the in between.

copyright Vickie Johnstone 

Sunday, 15 March 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (38): The smell of sour

Another one written for JD Mader's 2minutesgo Friday challenge on his blog. I took 'The smell of sour' from his first story as a prompt. Cheers :)

The smell of sour

She’d smelt it all her life,
the rusted scent
of strewn dust,
making it all melt.

This stench lifted,
curling like old paint,
wet to the touch,
bitter to taste.
It followed her
in a cloud of waste,
this reminder of old.

When it sounded,
this ancient bell,
the heady mariner
came carrying his shroud,

bereft of any knowledge
of its meaning.
In silence he drifted
into the outer realms
where the dead pound
ageless and unborn,
their endless ache.

He lies without
breath or word,
as silent as the sea
turned sour.

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Friday, 13 March 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (37): The wish #2minutesgo

Oops, I haven't posted a poem since February 26th! It doesn't seem that long ago, so time has flown. Since then I've taken a trip up to visit my family and celebrated my birthday, which seems to have extended over the week. It's times like these when you're reminded how truly amazing your friends and family are. Life's treasures. Here's a 2-minute poem in which I imagined a young girl going through experiences not so simple or pleasurable. We've all been there. It was written for JD Mader's 2minutesgo Friday challenge on his blog - check it out :) - 

The wish

She made a wish
in the time of sorrow
for every tomorrow
to end

not with a sigh
or a whimper
or an itch
but a scream
mightier than thunder

as overwhelming
as the greatest word
ever said
as mind-blowing
as the purest calm

this open hand
reaches outwards
upturning as a leaf
curving into her
with a caress
 soundless and strong

qualities she envied
without guilt
lost as she was
in this winter
of her budding life