
Saturday, 29 January 2022

A Poem a Day (492): Motion

This one was written for JD Mader's 2minutesgo writing exercise. Head over there this weekend to write or read -

A dark black hole of despair
looms, a wide open pit
in which snakes rattle heads,
hissing. Their bodies curl, contract.
They wait. They have all the time.
You crawl. You paper over the cracks.
You conceal how you feel,
so the whole world can’t see.
A daily prison. You cannot step too far.
Its confines are now your life,
slimmed down, the joy sucked out.
The rain continues to plummet
and you want to drink it,
but your enthusiasm has died
on the wind. And the clock ticks.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 29, 2022

Saturday, 15 January 2022

A Poem a Day (491): Red Rose

This one is about a pub I went to last night with some friends. 

Red Rose
We sit with friends and talk
of simple things, amusing stories,
films we’ve just seen and football,
although I understand it not at all.
Dolly pleads with Jolene on the jukebox
as pale ale flows clear from the tap
and voices echo ‘round deep red walls.
Floral plates sit with grinning Toby jugs.
An award was won ten years back
and the plaque still minds our seats.
The dark wood and old stained glass
spin a tale, take us back in time,
sit us with the drinkers of years back
quaffing beer to an old Sinatra tune.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 15 2022

Thursday, 13 January 2022

A Poem a Day (490): Full moon

Full moon
The moon is full where we watch her
traverse the hidden waves of the skies,
overseeing our bustling miniscule selves,
counting the clouds misting over her.
She brings dreams on her back in idleness,
resurrecting them for us to breathe in,
acknowledges the stars following in her wake.
The dew on the grass is her gift to morning
as she retreats, shown out by the new dawn
spreading its deep, fresh colour over the world.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 13, 2022

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

A Poem a Day (489): Thoughts

Thoughts take flight,
their wings drifting,
carried on the updraft,
set in motion to float.
Words scatter like pins,
blink in this worn-out sky,
forming murmurations,
recycled echoes of dreams.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 12, 2022

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

A Poem a Day (488): Bell

The listening bell,
it rings invisible,
summons your arrival
while you’re sleeping in.
A clock rewinds itself
as light bleeds over the walls,
leaking a reminiscence of sky, 
curtains pale beyond.
It’s a low-humming whale,
born of the deepest seas,
an echo of vastness,
air drawn into a burrow.
It blows out the cobwebs,
welcomes space in its entirety,
summoning every listener
to tune in and dwell.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 2022

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

A Poem a Day (487): Aperture

Open or closed,
the world looks around
for its windows,
occasioning to go halfway
in strange appeasement,
anticipating an announcement
of something waiting
in the wings.
The walls, they close in,
embroidered with phrases
and pictures formed of words,
solidified, inaudible,
waiting to be born.
In this half-light we read
the tags on bright murals
celebrating lives passed on,
leaving their scent behind,
impenetrable but fathomable.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 4, 2022

Monday, 3 January 2022

A Poem a Day (486): Moon days

Moon days
We rise, woken by the earth’s breath,
the whistle of life passing through,
creating shapes and colours of difference.
Cageless, life surprises and reawakens.
Signs of change blink, the wishing time,
forsaking the past to leave it in the dark,
a wrapped gift that doesn’t need to be opened.
We wish on pennies thrown under a new moon,
glinting in its promise of new beginnings.
It rises now, pushes the sun into the oceans.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 3, 2022