
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Words with... Ey Wade

Thanks to Ey Wade for this interview
How long have you been writing?
I suppose I can say the usual and say I’ve been writing all of my life, but the process of writing to make a story really started in elementary school. When the teacher would have us write the paper on ‘what we did over the summer’, I had to make up something. With seven kids in the house and a limited income, a good, away-from-home vacation was a fantasy. When I found out my lies were believable, I decided I would be a writer.

Do you have a day job or do you write for a living?
At the moment my job is to find a job. Usually I am a childcare provider. I worked in the profession for over thirty years; own home-based centre until a hurricane destroyed it all. Now I’m fighting the system and stigma of age to find a job. In the meantime, I fill my passion for writing.
What do you feel is the ideal recipe for a good novel/story/poem?
The ideal recipe would include great dialogue, the ability to touch the reader in some way, and the ability to make your product believable.
What/who inspired you to write and still inspires you?

I am inspired to write by my children, always have been. Things I would love them to read, maybe change the world with the influence I can give them. Belief in yourself, inspiration, dedication and commitment are the main ingredients 50% has to be the belief in yourself, 30% to commitment to stand by your words no matter what others think or say, 5% to inspiration from the world around you, and 15% to sit your butt down and write.
What books have you written? Do you stick to one genre?
I write in several genres. Suspense/thriller, romance, chic lit, non-fiction, picture books. At the moment I have eight books published: The Fishing Trip (suspense); The Perfect Solution (a mixture of suspense/romance); The Women of the Hill (chick lit); Beads on a String  America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History (non-fiction); and three picture books from a series called In my Sister’s World. All can be found on Amazon.

How long did it take you to write your book/s?
I couldn’t put a definite timeframe on a single book because I usually work on more than one at a time. It’s like having children  I just spread the love and time amongst them. The one clamouring the most gets me first.

How long did it take you to get published? Did you take the traditional route or DIY?
The Perfect Solution was published before, through what I thought was a traditional publishing company. Long story. Short, I now do it myself.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers/those just starting out?
I would tell a writer to write what you believe in, edit, and then choose whichever route appeals to you to get your book published.

Do you have any works in progress?
Lol, several. The Fishing Trip is part of a four-book series from LDA (Life Demands Action). I’m working on The Carjacker now. The Women of the Hill is from another series. Yes, Sam Takes Care of Me  its counterpart is On the Corner of Bluebonnet Lane and Easy Street. I have D.N.A. being scoured by a marvelous Beta reader and soon to be published, and still more WIPs being tweaked.
Which character from your books do you like most/are most like?
In the novel The Perfect Solution, I favour Catrine. I would do anything and everything for the safety of my children. This, if I really think about it, also makes me a heroic villain like Durham from The Fishing Trip.

Where and when do you write – do you have set times during which you write or is it just when the mood takes you?
I write whenever and wherever. I carry a couple of pocket notebooks around and each is separated for three different stories. How does that work, you ask? The top of the book is tan, so one is facing me, then I turn it over (black) and write from the back for another and the third is usually somewhere in the middle, and all are separated with tabs. Not confusing at all. The romance (three stories in one) I’m working on at the moment has its own beautiful, red notebook.
Marketing – the bane of self-publishers – how do you find the experience? Do you have any marketing advice for other writers? Do you use a blog or twitter, etc?
I find marketing to be a hard learning experience. It is a hit and miss process. You never know what will catch a reader’s attention. Just plug away and believe every day is ‘your’ day to get noticed. I use all of the social networks and, since the internet reaches the nether world, how can I lose?

Some of your fave things... Animal? Food? Drink? Film? Colour? Band? Song? Place to chill out?
I love giant hairy dogs, but I have a Terrier. My favourite band is Coldplay and their song Gold in Them Hills keeps me going. I call it my theme song.  I even made a video to it, and my favourite chill-out place is at home in front of the television, flipping the channels.
Which book do you wish you had written?
The one God wrote about my life. There are many things I wish I could change, which He had planned for me. Sometimes, I think He has me mixed up with someone else.

Who is your favourite character from any book and why?
I can’t remember the child’s name, but I love the child from The Giver. He had the guts to see beyond the scenes put before him

Which three authors (living or not) would you like to take to the pub?
1. Dr Seuss, I would really like to know if he were sane. Everyone loved his books, but he drives me crazy.
2. Maya Angelo just because she’s a great writer and she knows Oprah.
3. Barack Obama because we share a birth date. I love the title of his book Audacity of Hope, and I would just love to talk to him face to face.
What would you like to achieve in the next five years?
 I would love to be a known author, mainly for my contribution to the American history book. There is no other like it that I have read. I believe it is the only book to include every race of American in a positive light.

If you won the Lotto, what would you do with all it?
Huge amount? Buy the usual home, car, pay off debts, bank a lot. Then I would help family, friends, and as many desperate as I can.

Now for the creative bit… please finish this story in 100 words or less… There once was a small gecko called Fred...
There once was a small gecko called Fred. Who wished people didn’t want him dead. If only they knew, the tales he could tell. They’d type them and sell them like hell. 

Finally, what question do you wish I’d asked and, of course, what is the answer?
Do you think you will ever make money from the sales of your books? My answer would be… God, I hope so. People go out and buy my books!

Your book/website/blog/twitter links…

My, I have a .com, I twitter @jumpouttheboat, and several other places. I have several that can be found through here, blogs, and I’m on Facebook.


  1. Great interview, thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks, Vickie for having me. This is awesome.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Toyin and Dear awesome BornStoryTeller,I strive to share and be entertaining.

  4. Thanks to you for the interview :)


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