
Monday, 26 September 2011


When I was a child
I saw faces in the curtains
Scowls of monsters in the dark
Circling in the fabric
Ghosts under the bed
Hairy men in the closet
Winged spirits in the cupboard
Fearing the night

When I was grown up
I saw faces in the crowds
Scowls of people going to work
Circling in the trains
Squashed under someones head
Hairy men standing too close
Wanting wings to escape
Desiring the night

When I was old
I saw faces in the street
Smiles of people dreaming away
Circling inside their minds
Remembering the ghosts
And hairy men in the closet
Winged spirits in the next life
Welcoming me.

copyright Vickie Johnstone

1 comment:

  1. And when I was not
    I saw my life in flashes
    Happy moments, sad events, and happenings
    Iterating endlessly around me
    Craving for the tears, for the laughs
    and for the fights
    The world in all its glory and its wickedness
    Inviting me


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