
Friday 23 December 2011

Words with... Nicole Storey

Thanks to Nicole Storey for this interview

Nicole is kindly giving away signed copies of an ebook and paperback version of her novel, Grimsley Hollow, to two lucky readers. All you have to do is comment why you think you should win it. The winner will get the format of their choice, with the runner-up receiving the other...good luck!

What is your day job or are you lucky enough to write for a living?
My official job is a superhero! I am known by the name of MOM! LOL!

What books have you written so far?
My only book right now is the first in the Grimsley Hollow series: Grimsley Hollow - The Chosen One.
What works in progress do you have?
Currently, I am working on the second book in the series: Grimsley Hollow - The Search for Siren.
How long did it take you to write your book/s?

My first book took about 8 months, but the second is going to run longer due to some health issues in the family, which have set me back a few months.
Do you write linear, or jump back and forth? Do you plan or write by the seat of your pants?
I write linear, but I am learning that I don’t really write my books; they write themselves. I’m just along for the ride!

Why do you write?
At first, writing was just a form of stress relief for me. It was a way of escaping and having some time for myself. Now, I write because, more than anything, I want to be able to share my love of books with others. As a child, reading a book equalled going on a magic adventure to some wondrous place. I like to be able to give that gift to other children. I still open closet doors and expect to find myself in Narnia!
How long have you been writing?
I have written stories since I was a teenager, but I have only gotten serious about it this past year.
Where and when do you write? Do you have set times?
I like to write at night. Night-time is magical! My imagination soars when I can look out of my study window and see a bright, mysterious moon looking down at me.
Which character from your books do you like most / are most like?
I can’t really pick a favourite and I can relate to all of them in some way or another. My book centres around my favourite holiday, Halloween, and all that it represents. I guess if I had to pick a character that was most like me, it would have to be the pixy, Puck. He’s sarcastic and witty, and he hides a big heart.
What/who inspired you to write and still inspires you?
My children, and children in general, inspire me to write. I would love for every child to read my story and hopefully learn a few lessons from it.
What do you think is the ideal recipe for a good novel or story?
Interesting plot and believable characters. It doesn’t matter if you write fantasy fiction, the story has to be one that makes the reader think (or hope) that it really could happen. The characters have to be ones that the reader can relate to in some way.
Have you ever based a character on someone from real life?
The main character in my story is based on my autistic son and my daughter is also in the book.

Fave things: animal? food? drink? film? colour? band? song?

My favourite animals are owls, cats and wolves.
My favourite drinks are sweet tea and coffee (LOTS of coffee!)!
As for colours, I like earth tones, especially fall-like colours.
I don’t really have a favourite band as I listen to all types of music.
My favourite foods are too many to name! LOL!
You’re walking in the forest and you bump into an alien librarian from Mars. He wants five book recommendations from you…
I can only give five! No fair!!! LOL!
Nancy Lee Parish’s Amulet
TW Brown’s 'Dead' series
Kim Harrison’s 'Hollow' series
Suzanne Collins’ 'Hunger Games' series
Jared Southwick’s 'Marysvale' series.
Who is your favourite character from any book and why?
I think that Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird has to be my all-time favourite character. He reminds me a lot of my father – a hard-working man who tries to instil good values in his children and teach them right from wrong.
Who is your hero / heroine?
My heroes are my father and my son; my father for what he taught me as a child and my son for what he teaches me now.
Which book do you wish you had written?
CS Lewis’s Narnia books! They were my favourites as a child and I still love them!
Which three authors would you like to take to the pub?
TW Brown, Nancy Lee Parrish and Vickie Johnstone! We’d all have a crazy-fun time! LOL!
-- hee hee, thanks! If I’m ever in the US, I’m buying you a pint!

Are you published or self-published? What is your experience?
I just signed with Inknbeans Press (! Before that I was self-published. I did okay in self-publishing, but I felt like I had taken it as far as I could on my own. I am so blessed to be signed with such a wonderful publishing company now!
How do you find the marketing experience? Any advice for other writers?
I find that it is easy to market and easy to write, but not at the same time! I was so busy trying to push my first book that I didn’t have time for writing the second one. My advice would be to maybe spend an allotted amount of time on marketing each week and try not to go over that.

Do you have a blog? What do you blog about?
I do have a blog - ! I blog about my adventures in writing and I also do book reviews.
What other hobbies do you have?
I love to read, garden, cook and plan my dream home that I’d like to own one day! Right now, I am stuck on where to put the horse stables!

What would you like to achieve in the next five years?
I would like to at least be able to complete two books a year and make enough money to help pay some bills!

If you won the Lotto or a major publishing contract, what would you do with that dosh?
Not sure what ‘dosh’ is, but if it is the same thing as money I would put some back for my kids’ college education and buy some land for a house. The rest I would give to my parents and my in-laws because they deserve it more than I do.

What question do you wish I’d asked and, of course, what is the answer?
What do you hope children learn from reading your book?
I hope they learn that special-needs children are no different than they are, and that all they want is to be included and have friends.

Twitter: @Nicole_Storey
My books can be found in ebook form and paperback at Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple, etc.


  1. Nickie! I know I should win because I love you!! :)

  2. I'm not here to win anything but because Nickie is a friend and a fellow bean... which doesn't mean I wouldn't be pleased to get an e-copy of her book! No paper copies, please! Only the cats would enjoy (shredding) them!

  3. I liked the interview because I found a little more info about a new friend I made this year. I would love to have a copy of Nickie's book, either print or ebook and I would be happy to trade books with you.


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