
Thursday 7 June 2012

Haiku from Life's Rhythms

Afternoon! It's raining here in London. I think we had summer for two weeks and now it has disappeared again! Hope you are enjoying some sunshine wherever you are. I have a new book of haiku in the coming week, called Life's Rhythms. I love haiku because I think of them as little pictures or moments in life. Here are some poems from it. Have a cool day :)

Happy reading and writing!

Rain fallen like stars
Sprinkles silver-like touches,
Dancing beside me

Some distant day she’ll
Return when she sees beauty
In a rainbow sing

Under sparkling stars
She laughs like water cascades
Rippling endlessly

Raspberries blood red
Ripe, soft and so succulent
Chilled ice-cream slithers

The sheltering moon,
Beneath her glimmer they roam -
Free, the wild wolves howl

In the dry still heat
The lizard basks, eyes aloft
Watching out for lunch

Eyes turn to the sun,
River of blue-black shimmers
On peacock feathers

Leaves hurtle, twisting,
Dropping without an echo –
Curved, their hands open


  1. Vickie, I love your Haiku; perfect 5-7-5 form, expressive verse, no rhyme and no mention of seasons (The season should be obvious from the text). Good stuff Girl! I'm working on my own book of poetry titled, "Blossoms in the Snow." I have perhaps a dozon or so more Haikus to write along with finishing a couple of rather long story poems, working up illustrations and a cover. So... it will be a while before it's finished but you'll be one of the first to get a copy.

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting & commenting. I'm really glad you like the haiku. Good luck with your poetry! Vickie


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