
Friday, 17 August 2012

#FlashFiveFriday: #2 – Graveyard

#FlashFiveFriday is a weekly flash fiction/flash blogging prompt run by The Indie Exchange.
The rules are very simple if you’d like to take part:
1) Write for no longer than five minutes;
2) No upper or lower word limits;
3) You must write something new;
4) You can prepare your post ahead of time but the 5 minute limit still applies; and
5) If you add your blog post to the weekly linky you must visit five other blogs that week too to show your support.

Here's mine...


Between the fields where no one goes
Sits a graveyard, dank and grim
All alone the blades of grass blow
Back and forth in the chilled breeze

Nothing speaks in the distancing
In between the jagged thin stones
Memories lie undisturbed here
At peace, longing no more to breathe

I step a while through these places
Tracing a path that never was
I can feel the echo of my yesterdays
Now I wonder if they feel me too

Does my warm breath tease them?
Can they hear my every step above?
The hour ticks forth into a new day
Past the witching time to my dismay

My hands are cold, my fingers stiff
Worn, my feet are tired of treading
But here I go, round and round
Tracing this never ending circle

This dance of mine will never end
This life of mine I cannot spend
For it is gone, vanished a while
In the distant past it fled 

I cannot find my shadow here
Bereft I no longer have my voice
Between the grave stones I dance
Alone on this empty uneven path.


  1. Way cool, Vickie. I can see a horror movie in that. Starts off non sinister. Just a walk around, a dance that never ever ends even as the person loses her life. Creepy where.our minds can bring us. Must be because its a graveyard.

  2. Thanks Ey! She's a ghostie and the graveyard is her home :)
    I love this prompt idea... gets you thinking, which is good for me... Miss Procrastination!

  3. Wow! One more time so you get the gist...Wow! The images and emotion evoked from your poetry is gripping. Your response to Ey added the insight I was looking for. Very clever. I can't wait till next week.

    1. Thank you, Gregory! Thanks for stopping by and reading. Glad you enjoyed and connected with it :)

  4. Wow - this is fantastic! Thanks for taking part - I'll be hoping for a new fix every Friday now! :)

    1. Thanks Donna! I'll definitely try and join in. I spotted the August blog flash challenge, but I was too late.


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