
Friday, 31 August 2012

The Indie Exchange #FlashFiveFriday: Myths

It's Friday Flash time again...

The prompt is...

#FlashFiveFriday is a weekly flash fiction/flash blogging prompt run by The Indie Exchange.
The rules are very simple if you’d like to take part:
1) Write for no longer than five minutes;
2) No upper or lower word limits;
3) You must write something new;
4) You can prepare your post ahead of time but the 5 minute limit still applies; and
5) If you add your blog post to the weekly linky you must visit five other blogs that week too to show your support.

Why not give it a go?

I did three, allowing up to five minutes for each one.

Two haiku

Enwrapt we hear dark
Tales of Ancient Greece and Rome,
Laden down with myth

A ball of twine led
Theseus from the deadly
Cretan Labyrinth


In legends of old we read of heroes
Racing to the fore to save damsels
Green men with bows robbing the rich
To give to those without a stitch

Cruel Minotaurs roam dark labyrinths
Where heroes escape by a thread
Poor Arachne spins a web of beauty
Only to grow long spidery legs

Randy Greek gods chasing nymphs
Only to see them turned into trees
Where Narcissus lies and stares and dies
We see reflected these ages of old

Truth to tell or written from the pen?
Are we hearing histories or only myth?

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