
Friday, 23 November 2012

The Indie Exchange #FlashFiveFriday: Justice

It's Friday Flash time again...

The prompt is...

#FlashFiveFriday is a weekly flash fiction/flash blogging prompt run by The Indie Exchange.

The rules are very simple if you’d like to take part:
1) Write for no longer than five minutes;
2) No upper or lower word limits;
3) You must write something new;
4) You can prepare your post ahead of time but the 5 minute limit still applies; and
5) If you add your blog post to the weekly linky you must visit five other blogs that week too to show your support.

Click the link to read other people's flashies...     
Why not give it a go?

Here's mine...


She trudged up the steep hill, her boots sinking into the wet mud. The rain pelted against her eyes, sticking her eyelashes together, as she gazed up from under the hood of her coat. It was a cold day. The weatherman had even predicted hail, but she didn’t care. She had to see him one last time. The dirt slid beneath her feet. Even the trees seemed bereft of life in this place. Above, the clouds gathered, dark and heavy, moving swiftly as the rain poured. Glancing around, she changed direction. Her destination must be straight ahead.

She had read the article quite by accident, flicking through the usual news, good and bad. The story hadn’t made the front pages and it was tucked away, almost as if the terror had been forgotten. But she would never forget. An ice cold hand snaked its way up her spine. Here.

Stepping back, she took a deep breath. Here he lay, his final resting place, beneath her boots. She stood on the spot where she believed he was, imprisoned deep below, in a place where he could no longer do anyone any harm. The wind coursed around her back, but she stood rigid. “Justice,” she sighed out loud, remembering the best friend she had lost and the innocence she’d left behind in meeting the man who was now buried beneath her feet.


  1. Great post, Vickie.

    Was speculating throughout about the ending :)

  2. :) so sad. More freaky-upsetting than sad. mmmhmm

  3. Vicki this is just what I want to do and justice is awesome since I am a paralegal.


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