
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Welcome to the New Year's Hop!

I'm excited to be involved in Indie Authors Unite's New Year's Hop, which starts on Friday 11 January.

Welcome to my stop on the hop. What can you win here?

I'm giving away 1 paperback and 3 ebook copies of my comedy romance, 3 Heads & a Tail. If you're not into romance, don't turn away yet. It's not your regular romance. It's more of a comedy fantasy or a comedy of errors. I wrote this book for NaNoWriMo 2011, so it's a bit off the wall. There are four main characters, one of which is a Golden Retriever, and he plays a big part in this book. He's the hero really, and you'll get to see inside his head and find out his doggie thoughts.
What's the story about?

When nature lover Josie moves into a house share with two pals, dreamer Ben and model man David, she sees it as a short stop and doesn't bank on an attraction developing with one of them. Meanwhile, Ben's dog, Glen, has the hots for Miss Posh, the beautiful golden Lab in the park. When dog meets dog it's puppy love, but a complication leads to Glen taking matters into his own paws and walking a very dangerous path. In this comedy of errors, romance and walkies, it's anyone's guess who is going to win the girl/dog and live happily ever after.

What say the reviewers? Here are some snippets...

Ey Wade - "Oh my gosh this is a funny book. I hate to harp on the topic of how the dog made the story, but I think he did. I know for sure I will forever look at my own dog and wonder what she is thinking."

Annarita Guarnieri - "A humorous love story of a different kind, mostly seen through the eyes of Glen, the tail owner, and written with unusual wittiness and ability."

Donna Brown - "Laugh out loud funny."

PDX author - "Until reading this humorous tale about relationships between characters that tend towards being shy, my favorite animal character was "Buck", featured in Jack London's "Call of the Wild." 

How can you win a copy? 

Just leave me a comment - tell me one of the silliest things you've ever done! Or one of the silliest you'd like to do...

Click on the link below to get back to the main New Year's Blog Hop website where you can win these cool prizes -

A Kindle Fire ($299 value)
$100 Amazon voucher
15 signed paperbacks
30 ebooks

Here's the link -

Good luck! :)

Don't forget to hop off to the other blogs on the hop to check out the books and giveaways of the other writers in the Indie Authors Unite hop. There are some cracking reads to be found. 

Thanks for reading and a big Happy New Year to you ! :)


  1. Hi Vickie, your book sounds like a blast! The silliest thing I've ever done was walk on my hands to impress a guy. I know ... Bye, Celia :)

    1. LOL! That's funny. My brother, who hates spiders as much as me, got over his fear when he picked one up to impress a girl! eeuuuww!

  2. LOL What a great blog idea, Vickie :)

    Man! There's so many, I'm having difficulty choosing which one! I guess hitting myself in the face with a claw hammer comes close to the top of the list lol

    1. Blimey! Maybe DIY is not your thing! How, I'm asking, how???? My dad once sat on a pair of scissors in his jean pocket!

  3. look forward to reading your book, thanks for joining the hop!

  4. Silliest thing? Lying down in bed reading and holding the book above my face thinking that I am not clumsy enough to lose my grip on the book and have it face planting me. Well, I did lose my grip.

    1. LOL! That's one way to wake up fully! I hope it wasn't a hardback! Or something scary...

  5. Hmmm; lets see; I got a curly perm in my hair that was to my waist, it was silly of me because I just wanted to my curtly pretty hair, my hair was already pretty. at least until I permed it.
    vera28546 at yahoo (dot) com

    1. I did that when I was a teenager and hated it. Still, I did it two more times. I think I had to make sure that I really, really hated it! :)

  6. I scared the mess out of my daughter. I'm sitting in the family room and she is sitting in the computer room. I jumped up and ran and yelled it's a monster outside. Just writing this is making me laugh. She was so scared, she ran out the room so fast, with a look on her face I would never forget. In order to understand this, you must do it.

    1. haha! I can picture that! I've scared my cat in similar ways. She's my kid! She does bunny hops when she runs though - I'm imagining that your daughter doesn't!

    2. Kathy, I don't have a contact for you - can you send me your email please, so that I can send you a book. Thank you :)

  7. Let me preface this with the statement that I am the least athletic person on the planet. Plus I have never had the desire to be anything but. Sure, it was a bit humiliating to always be picked last in gym class for whatever team sport we were being tormented by for 30 minutes every other day but I have had decades to resolve my bitter resentment and although there is still that nasty after-taste the greatest portion of that bite has been swallowed down. So how did I wind up playing in a Sunday morning softball league??? Again this was 2 decades ago, when I was in my early 20s, but I remember it so clearly. it was a league that required two females on the field at all times. I would be picked up at my apartment in the early morning hours of those mentioned Sundays, driven to the field and escorted to my place in the outfield where a much more capable male athlete would do all the work while I stood there waiting anxiously for the nerve-wrecking times at bat that I would be required to humiliate myself at. So, yes, the silliest thing that I have ever done is impersonate an amateur athlete.

    1. Oh my god, I'm feeling scared just reading that. I was bookish at school. I was also one of the two last people to be picked. The only things I was good at were the hurdles, the long jump and standing in goal during hockey! I had no idea how dangerous the last one was, and all I had was knee pads for protection!

    2. Marcy, I don't have a contact for you - can you send me your email please, so that I can send you a book. Thank you :)

  8. Hmm, one of the silliest things I've ever done? Chased my daughter into the kitchen and didn't get the pedal down on the gate (swings open) so I took the whole thing down and landed flat on face.

    1. Hmph! I nearly splurted my wine! As someone who regularly walks into door frames, I really shouldn't laugh!

  9. Your book sounds good..One of the silliest I've done was. My sisters and I always get together once a year for girl night. This one time we had a stick for a microphone and we went outside and interviewed people that were going into a pizza shop we also had a video camera with us..Thanks for the hop..Got to keep hopping!!

    1. That sounds like great fun. I hope you got free pizza! :)

  10. THe books sounds great!

    One of the silliest things I've done was trying to jump into a mini van quickly and cracking my head against the frame :)


    1. Ouch! I hope the mini van came off worse :)
      I'm always banging myself and getting bruises appearing from nowhere. Esp banging myself on my desk, which doesn't move!

  11. I've done too many silly things to mention!!

  12. I am often doing silly things such as calling a "brain freeze" "freezer burn." The silliest thing that has ever happened to me was a prank. I was probably in middle school and I was hanging out with some friends and one those friends was my crush. Well, long story short, my brother walks around the corner and offers me some gum. Perfect timing right? Well it turned out to be "trick" gum which turned my teeth blue and made me drool an excessive amount of blue saliva. The silly part is, I didn't even notice - I just kept talking and while people were laughing I thought it was because I'm so dang witty.

    1. LOL! Oh no, I hope the crush was impressed! I used to just go bright red around crushes - strawberry girl!

    2. Hi, I don't have a contact for you - can you send me your email please, so that I can send you a book. Thank you :)

  13. Geez,I do silly things all the time without meaning to! Walking around the house looking for my keys when they are in the carI started earlier to warm the car up. Looking for my sunglasses that are on top of my head. Stuff like that:)

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

    1. I do that with my glasses (they're for TV), along with walking into rooms and forgetting why I went there!

  14. As a mom of three kids, I do and say silly things every day. My most recent silly moment was when I had to tell my twelve-year-old,"No more slow-motion farts. Do your homework."

    1. I'm giggling... farts in slow mo.... ssshhhhhuuuummmpff

  15. Ok so you know how tom and jerry run around and then Tom steps on the rake and it knocks him out... At 16 years old I decided to see if it actually happened when stepping on one of those old metal rakes... Yep it works knocked me clear out in front on my parents and a bunch of family members... Needless to say 14 years later I go home and I get... Put the rakes away dingbat blondie is home... Thanks Thanks Tom and Jerry where was your do not try this at home note lol. This is just many of the wise idea's or things i have dones lol.

    1. That's hilarious! See, Tom & Jerry is bad for your health. I'm so glad you didn't try the trick of tying a piano up in the air! My boyfriend just called the rake 'a self-destructing tool'!

  16. I have to say the silliest thing was actin like I was bi sexual to impress a guy

  17. I guess the silliest thing I did when I acted shocked one day when I was "counting" my 12 year old very smart (blonde) daughter's toes and told her that she had 6 on one foot. The funniest part was when she looked down and started counting herself because she believed me. We still pick on her about that.

    1. Ah! This little piggie had an extra place to go... my mum once told me that if I touched my tummy button my body would go pop! I still can't touch it without going all gooey... :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Oops, here is my email

    thompsonem3 at aol dot com

  19. go to class without the textbook

    Thanks for participating.


    1. I once went to an exam in my slippers! Luckily they weren't fluffy or shaped like rabbits... like the ones I'm wearing now!

  20. as the mother of a two year old i feel like i'm always being silly! :D just a few hours ago i danced around singing waving a 'magic glowing wand' around!
    thanks so much for the giveaway! your book sounds very cute and heartwarming!
    puddle_of_light at yahoo dot com

    1. Lol, I hope she keeps you dancing and singing for a long time!

  21. one of my best friends fav stories to tell is one about me. we at the tender age of 17 n 18 desided to climb a mountain. For me this was no small feet i hate this kind of stuff but wanted to try it. I climbed up the mountain with a few breaks in between and down with even more. As so as i got on the flat surface of the road I fell flat on my face. Everyone starting laughing their asses off. I was mad bc i put holes in me Versace pants. Now its hilarious as hell. To think i tackled a mountain but not the street. LOL

    1. hee hee! I get vertigo, so there is NO WAY I can do that! Maybe the mountain was playing a trick on you and laying down flat!

    2. Ruth, could you send me your email please so that I can send you an ebook. cheers :)

  22. I'm pretty uptight, so I can't think of silly things to do. I think because I appear to be so uptight people are shocked when I do something off the wall. If you go to my pictures on my facebook page you'll see some of my Halloween costumes. I won't give anything away here, but I have been unfriended by people who weren't expecting me to be so un-uptight because of my costumes :) One of them was a sibling.

    1. LOL! I think she should put up more un-uptight things! Shock em all :) I'm pretty shy and have a really quiet voice, so people get surprised if I do something 'loud'!

    2. Hi Lucinda, can you send me your email so I can send you an ebook :)cheers!

  23. The silliest thing I have done was trying to impress a guy that I really like. I wanted to be sophisticated by speaking French. I should have got myself a tutor to pronounce the language correctly but I didn't. I ended up avoided him for the rest of the semester in college.

    1. LOL! Maybe he was secretly impressed! Eh voila!

  24. Hi! Happy New Year! Ive done a lot of silly things. In high school, i was walking to our auditorium with my friends for a school meeting. I was into a really good romance and didnt want to put the book down, so i kept reading and just followed along side my friends. Bad idea. I smacked into a metal bar that holds our doors closed. I did this in front of our entire school. It was very embarrassing. But thats not all. I did it again, about a week later. And if that weren't bad enough, my dad installed a new glass screen door, i ran into it twice in one day. By next week, i still had a huge bruise on my forehead and everyone was still laughing. At least i can provide free entertainment. lol Thank you for the awesome hop and giveaway! :)

    1. LOL! That's funny! Do you now live in an open-plan house?! I was once walking with my dad and brother home from school. I was maybe 8. I used to daydream and watch my feet as I walked, not looking up as I fantasised. Smack! I went straight into a lamppost! My dad and brother creased up laughing. But god, it hurt! I also walked into a mirror in a shop, thinking there was another section. I thought no one had noticed and then spotted the security guard doubled up.

  25. Silliest thing... I tried to dye my hair blonde and it came out orange.

    1. Ah, hair, it never does what you tell it. I once dyed my hair black and my mum didn't recognise me at the train station. Hilarious!

  26. Was in a meeting with the General Counsel of a Fortune 500 company, and another individual...and my earring went down my cleavage. After trying, unsuccessfully, to 'find it' without anyone noticing, the General Counsel finally asked, "Did you lose your earring?" At which point I stood, shook my blouse, and when the earring fell to floor, casually picked it up, put it on, and resumed the meeting. All in a day's work!

    1. LOL, that's probably the best thing you could have done. Bet that shut him up! I thought for a second that he was going to offer to find it for you!

    2. Hi Dale, can you send me your email address so that I can send you an ebook :)

  27. Hmm the silliest thing I ever did was probably lay down in the middle of campus in the snow because I was hot. An maybe drunk.

    1. LOL. I've never done that! I once slept in the park cos drunk and on the pavement. Several times. But I didn't tell you that, honestly...

  28. One of the silliest things I've ever done is taking my (at the time) 65 year old mother and me (43 years old) snow skiing for the first time in our lives. Something she had always wanted to try, me not so much. She did awesome... me? I kept going to the right and having to choose between falling down or falling over a cliff.

    1. email: jo1963jo at gmail dot com

    2. I've done that! Sitting on your arse while skiing can be a life saver!

  29. Happy New Year.Thanks for the chance to win.


  30. Your book sounds great. The only silly thing I can think of now is buying a whole library of books! Impossible!!!
    thanks for the giveaway,

    1. I'd love a round room full of wall-to-ceiling bookcases! Even tho I have a kindle!

  31. The silliest thing that I've ever done was taking pictures of myself while I was making silly, crazy, and weird faces in the mirror, haha.

    Thank you for this giveaway and I hope you have a great year! :)

    craigcrystal AT ymail DOT com

  32. I realized that I talk to my cat in baby talk. Silly. He can't understand baby talk.
    Thanks for the hop.

    1. Me too. In a kiddie voice. Funny this is, my boyfriend does it too now! Don't tell him I told you as it doesn't sound very macho... :)

    2. Hi Kathy, please send me your email for an ebook, cheers!

  33. The silliest thing I've ever done is dress up as a 50s greaser for reading day at my kids' school. Looking forward to all the new authors I've found.

    1. LOL. I hope the kids were impressed :)

    2. Hi KK Couch, please can you send me your email for an ebook. Cheers!


Thanks for commenting :)