
Sunday, 23 June 2013

Words with... Brenda Perlin (99c blog tour)

Welcome to author Brenda Perlin who joins me today. 
Her book, Home Wrecker, is on sale right now for 99c. 
Here, Brenda tells us about one of her favourite childhood memories... 
mine would normally include animals and ice cream, so let's see what she says...

I used to love going to out lunch with my mom and her girlfriends. When I spent time around them, I looked at myself as being mature, even though I was still so young. I loved their intimate conversations where they often complained about their friends, husbands and bratty children. Being with them allowed me to act like an adult. 
I adored being able to be in earshot of so much good gossip. These women talked about the arguments they had with their husbands, the silly things their friends were doing and what flakes their kids could be. I ate up every morsel and took everything seriously. On the outside I tried to act unfazed, so they never did realize how inappropriate they were being. I mean, several things they discussed were NOT meant for a child’s ears.
Throughout these experiences I was able to learn a thing or two about my mom. For one thing, I learned she didn’t tell my dad everything. I realised she left things out on purpose, and even though I was young, I understood why. She wanted to live in peace. If she told him how much money she often spent on shopping for me, he might have gone crazy. This way it became a win-win situation. I got nice new clothes, my mom didn’t have to have another fight with my dad, and he didn’t have a reason to get upset. At the time, it felt like the right thing to do.
What I loved the most about these afternoons was how alive my mom became while she spent time with her girlfriends. She became fun and jovial. I got to see her as a fun-loving woman and not just my mom. These afternoons were empowering and taught me how important your friends can be for your soul. When my mom was with her girls she became more open and even charismatic. I could tell she was in her comfort zone. With these ladies she could feel free to be herself.
Brenda, thank you so much for joining me today and sharing this great memory. I just love to get to know authors and what better way than visiting their childhood for a moment.
I know my readers would enjoy getting to know you a bit more, so where they can find your book, The Home Wrecker, which is on sale this week for 99 cents? 

About the book
When Brooklyn meets Bo, their lives are instantly turned upside down. Brooklyn and Bo, each unhappily married to someone else, have to decide whether to stay with their spouses or give up everything for each other. Find out what Brooklyn's husband and Bo's soon-to-be ex-wife do to try to break them up.

Home Wrecker is the first book in a three-part series that follows the main character, Brooklyn, through her childhood and adult life, and then what seems like an “endless” journey towards redemption.
Where you can buy it - 

Amazon reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars - 23 reviews.
Snippets from Amazon:  
"Pour a glass of wine, pop open 'Home Wrecker', and Walk on The Wild Side!"
(5 stars, Emily Hill)

"The second part of the book discloses just how brave and heart-full this woman is. 
She will inspire you and leave you craving for even more."

(5 stars, Kyczy Hawk

"Great read! Characters were written with depth and humanity. Easy to get lost in the story of her life and cheer her on. Very enjoyable journey." 
(4 stars, SeanD)

"I really enjoyed this book... not just for the story, but for the way it took me back to memories of my own life, growing up in Los Angeles in the 80s." 
(5 stars, Mooks Nelson)

About the author:

"There is really no creative process, I just write" - Brenda Perlin
Brenda Perlin is an independent adult contemporary fiction author. Brenda evokes emotional responses in her readers by using a provocatively unique writing style. Her latest book, Home Wrecker, captures the soul-wrenching conflicts of a personal struggle for emotional fulfilment.

Ever since Brenda was a child, she has been fascinated with writing. She draws her biggest inspiration from Judy Blume. This sparked a passion in Brenda to pursue personal expression through writing. Once she was old enough to go to coffee shops alone, Brenda recalls losing herself in the world of writing, all while documenting her ideas on paper napkins.
Connect with Brenda:

Facebook links:

 Thanks for reading! :))


  1. Thank you so much for your kindness and support!!!! You are a sweetheart!!!!! This page looks so darn beautiful. Almost as pretty as one of your poems!!!!

    1. Thanks, Brenda! I love writing poems. I hope your book does really well :)

  2. Vickie, I didn't have animals until I was adult...How sad is that? My dad would not let us have a dog. :-( Now I would talk about animals and ice you!!! There is not much better than my mutts and almost any kind of ice cream!!!!!!

    1. Ah, that is sad. I guess I was lucky. Many of my happy memories from childhood involve animals. I think all kids should grow up with at least one pet. You learn so much. And you get back what you give. I remember turning to my pets if I felt sad even when I was a kid. So many fun times too. So glad you had animals as an adult. I have one cat. I'd probably have more if I had my own place :)))


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