
Tuesday, 30 July 2013

2013 Summer Author Blitz & interview with RH Ramsey

 Welcome to my stop on this tour, hosted by 

Belle Whittington & Tabatha Perry! 

I'm excited to welcome author RH Ramsey, who was nice enough to answer all of my questions, me being a little on the nosey side. So take it away, RH!  

When you've finished reading, you can win a copy of her book, Just Beneath the Surface I, via the Rafflecopter. Good luck!! 

RH Ramsey is a military wife, mother of two and a student. Over the course of 8 years, RH has diligently researched topics ranging from (but not limited to) relationships, addiction and abuse to mental illness. RH has completed several novels and 5 short stories, plus 4 more novels are nearing completion. She has 2 self-published books: Just Beneath the Surface I, and Into the Atmosphere, with many more to come. Just recently, her books were acquired by an indie publisher. With a passion for people, helping and learning, RH Ramsey hopes to continue in her quest of learning from and inspiring others.

Welcome RH Ramsey! To start with, what or who inspired you to write?

I have always loved creating stories and characters. One day, eight years ago, at 19 years old, I sat down at my computer and I started typing. I just started typing, and I kept typing. I didn't stop until I had finished what I started.

What still inspires you?

Well, each and every one of us has experienced or witnessed something heart wrenching. That said, each of us has a story in his/her heart. We are here to tell those stories, help one another to heal and hold one another up; the survivors, those people who are searching for a reason to fight, are my inspiration and driving force.

How long did it take you to write your book/s?

It used to take me just under a year to complete a book. Lately, it takes me a couple of years to finish. Part of the reason it takes longer is because unlike before, I don’t stop myself from starting projects on the side, such as short stories. As I have evolved, I’ve learned that just because my favorite part of writing is dialogue and character development, and my least favorite part is describing a room, it doesn’t mean I can exclude the description of the room (LOL). So, with everything I have been learning from editors, beta readers and articles about writing, it takes me a lot longer than before.

Do you write linear, or jump back and forth? Do you plan or write by the seat of your pants?

Back and forth!!! Not only am I back and forth within the book, sort of filling things in, in a way that would drive a more organised person out of her mind, I jump from book to book. Just like any creative, I’ve got rushing thoughts and ideas filling my mind non-stop. What’s good about those rushing thoughts, and the excitement of letting the ideas happen naturally, is that it leaves little room for feeling stumped. I think the pressure to finish things on our own time can take away from the flow that is art.

Where and when do you write? Do you have set times?

I really don’t have designated times for writing. If a scene pops into my head, I really like to capture it. I do have a favorite time to brainstorm, and that has always been in the wee hours of the morning. (3am, 4am…) But, no, I do not have set times. I write whenever I can.

Which character from your books do you like most / are most like?

Good question. I don't think I am like any of my characters. When it comes to creating characters, I like a blank canvas. The farther I can stray from myself or anyone I have ever met, the better.

Have you ever based a character on someone from real life? And did you tell them?

I have never based a character on the situations of someone from real life. That seems like it would be crossing the line. Now, if there are certain eccentricities or quirks that I feel are common enough that they are identifiable, I may use those. But, no, not situations.

Fave things: animal? food? drink? film? colour? band? song? place? item of clothing?

My favorite things – hmm, let’s see…
Animal: too many to count, especially if we talk about the baby animals!
Food: it really depends on my mood, but lately I love pistachios.
Drink: my favorite drink right now, I’m going to have to say 100% Natural Lipton Iced Tea.
Color: blue
Band: several, but right now I'm listening to Raised by Swans and Miguel.
Place: anywhere people are happy, content and peaceful.
Item of clothing: a black Jimi Hendrix shirt with the quote: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to do / who did you want to be when you grew up?

Every now and then I would say that I wanted to be a doctor or a teacher. But I don’t think I ever really knew what I wanted to be. I always loved music - I play piano, and I was in an orchestra from fifth grade through to senior year. I always loved storytelling. So maybe I sort of knew I wanted to do something that involved art and creativity.

Would you say that your dreams have come true or are you still working on them?

My family - they are a dream come true. Goals: writing, growing as an author, reaching for the stars - I am definitely still working on that, and I don’t think that really stops.

Do you have a blog? What do you blog about?

I do, and I tend to write about a variety of things. One day I may interview someone about their battle with abuse or depression, the next week I may share a fleeting thought. One day I may share my favorite Facebook pages, the next week I might share an excerpt.

What would you like to achieve in the next five years?

In the next five years, I hope for a number of things. To adopt a baby alpaca would be amazing, but I just don’t see that happening (just kidding). First, I will start by working on myself. I hope that I can continue to work on the way I view myself, my writing, my dreams and my goals. By continuing to improve my view of myself, I think I’ll have a better shot at teaching my children not only to dream big, but to believe in those dreams no matter what.

It would be a miracle if, in the next five years, I am able to say that my books were in the hands of readers who felt they were able to relate, overcome something, grow spiritually, reach out and pull someone else out of an unhealthy situation, and keep the cycle going.

I would also be ecstatic if this passion – writing – grew to be a financial blessing to my family, so that I could devote more time to my novels. Being able to tell my children their mommy is a best-selling author - I can’t even imagine that, but it’s definitely on the list.

Last, but not least, I can’t even explain how it would feel to be able to help someone else achieve their goals. Maybe someone who, like me, thought their hobby was just a hobby; their passion was just a passion. If I could help and inspire, that would be a major accomplishment for me.

What is your favourite quote?

I can be so very indecisive, so my favourite quotes and scriptures depend on what is happening at that time. Right now I love the following quote: “Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything” - Gustave Flaubert.

Thank you so much for having me. I absolutely loved your questions!! :-)

Where to connect with RH Ramsay:

To win an ebook copy of Just Beneath the Surface I, all you need to do is enter the competition via the Rafflecopter! Good luck and thanks for visiting. Winners will be notified shortly.


  1. I love this post! Thank you both! <3

  2. Thanks for the great giveaway i am a new reader do not have a favorite character yet.

  3. I really enjoyed this. I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity to share. Thank you.

  4. What a sweet sweet interview...wonderful!!!!


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