
Wednesday, 21 August 2013

#WW WOW Wednesday: G Mitchell Baker

WOW Wednesday is a new thing for, ahem, Wednesdays! Coinciding with 
Writer Wednesday (#WW) on twitter. My first guest is G Mitchell Baker whose books include the Lethal Believers Series and The Involvement of Emerson
Today, I'm spotlighting book two in his dark fantasy series, called Lethal Believers: DVM. What's it all about, I hear you ask? Well, read on to find out...

Lethal Believers: DVM

“DVM is hurting animals. Danta continued to battle Mantid Tranquil. He is empowered by Lamia, the myth in search of rehabilitation,to defend The Innocents.”

Lethal Believers: DVM is the second novel in the 
Lethal Believers Series, as a year later, Danta, protector of The Innocents, considers Lamia’s invitation to collaborate. The myth in search of rehabilitation wants the company of her stoic enabler. Their worlds continue to merge as Kagan and Evan Brancher experience the loss of their champion horse, Random, by the scourge of Mantid Tranquil. With Mantid losing control of DVM, worlds collide and there is more collaboration to protect in response.  

Can ‘The Innocents’ be protected, and will their determination and mythology be enough to make a positive difference in this chaotic world? Are The Innocents learning enough to ultimately prevail against Mantid Tranquil, or will Danta and Lamia collaborate and continue to rope in the corrupted members of the insolent organization?

Book 3 in the series, Lethal Believers: Cave Ravens, is now with Master Koda Select Publishing and scheduled for release in 2014.

About G Mitchell Baker

Now living in the Deep South, G. Mitchell Baker has also enjoyed spending time out west, from the south west United States to western Canada. Having practised law for more than twenty years, Baker enjoys researching and writing projects that draw him into many genres, including contemporary fiction, science fiction, and paranormal, metaphysical, and visionary works of fiction. In addition, as a writer of feature-length screenplays, he likes adapting his novels into screenplays and vice versa.

Baker has been fortunate to compete at the highest levels in sports such as baseball and karate. This spirit has led to him also striving to compete at the highest levels to entertain his readership. Moreover, it is in this spirit that Baker invites you to visit and revisit his ‘Anything But a Tired Barn’ author site, and to become familiar with his current and ongoing projects.  

Book links

Lethal Believers: The Innocents

Lethal Believers: DVM

The Involvement of Emerson

 Thanks for reading - look out for a new WOW writer next week!! :)


  1. This is a wonderful tribute to G Mitchell Baker's great books!!!! Thank you Vickie for sharing! :-)

  2. Oh, make sure you tell Ed Drury that I love his music!!! I feel like I am getting a massage!!! Very relaxing!!! :-)

    1. I know! I love it too! You can hear birds and the sea, two of my favourite things :)

  3. Vickie, you ROCK!! What an awesome spotlight!!

  4. Wow! Music and everything. I love it!

    1. It's by Ed Drury - if you click the link on the right (the music player) you can check out all his tunes :)


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