
Saturday, 14 September 2013

A Poem a Day (37): Rainbow

Hi, today's poem is inspired by a prompt word - rainbow - from Leland Hermit. Thanks, Leland! 
He loves doggies and is the author of the fabulous Angelo's Journey, amongst many others. If you'd like to leave me a word or image to write a poem about, please leave it in the comments. Cheers!
Happy reading & writing to you! :)


Streaks of brightest colour
Leap off the stark white page;
Pure light brought to life
As the paintbrush flickers
Back and forth, spinning
Memories frozen in time,
Picked forth for a moment
Of dreamful reminisce

Feather-like wisps catch
The lightest of touches
So carefree, yet careful;
Strokes fly across the canvas
Rousing the sleeping mind;
Love, laughter and heartbreak
They interweave, breathing
New life where the old died

Rainbows pouring sensation,
Leaping, floating, searing,
Giving shape and form
To the ethereal; it escapes
The brush, melting paper
Where the slick oil slides
Like mercury – a living,
Breathing form, so vivid

Red blasts from the white
Licking the yellow beneath;
Like fire it burns, slow, sure,
Breathing like a dragon
Only to shimmer in the silver
Caught by waves of blue
Surging below, now caught
In green serpent-like weeds

It races here, imagination,
Rolling across the canvas;
Finding but the briefest pause
In the birth of this picture.
Bearing no resemblance to life,
Yet mirroring its substance,
The rainbow surges, arching
Over this reality caught in paint

Copyright Vickie Johnstone

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