
Wednesday, 2 October 2013

#WW WOW Wednesday: Linda Bolton

Hi guys and girls! Welcome to WOW Wednesday. My 7th guest is Linda Bolton, author of Take 2
The thrilling romance is on sale right now for 99c/75p. What's it all about, I hear you ask? 
Well, read on to find out more about the novel and its talented writer...

What does a Scottish accent, a great body and a cute smile have in common? 
Find out in TAKE 2!

Book blurb

Alexandra Daniels is forty-something and hard working, both in and out of home. Her life has been plodding along at a snail's pace and she’s longing for excitement. Alexandra wins a trip to see her favourite talk show in New York, the 'Veronica Becker Show', and it just so happens the actor of her dreams is a guest - Derek Dunbar! Is Alex’s life about to change?

Derek Dunbar is Scottish, an actor and a hunk! Every woman in America drools over him. He has his pick of women, but stinks at relationships. At forty, is he longing for a more meaningful relationship? Does he even know how to have one? Is he willing to make the effort or will it just be too complicated?

Excerpt from Take 2:

“Go”, “Two minutes”, was hollered out. Alex felt nervous even though most of the men at the speed-dating meeting didn’t appear her type. The fact that they wouldn’t find her their type bothered her most. 
            “Hi, my name is Rick. I work at a comic book store” was all Alex heard. He had shoulder length hair, a beard and his shirt was wrinkled.  “Your turn”.
            “Hi, I’m Alex. A widow. Customer service rep. My daughter just got married.”  She was on auto-pilot. She repeated the same thing with every guy. “Tell me more about yourself,” was her next line so she wouldn’t have to really participate. And they did.
            Why did she agree to do this? Kathleen was crazy. She actually looked like she was having fun.
            “Go! Two minutes.”
And it repeated, this time with a manager of Burger King. Ugh! These men were so boring. It’s no wonder they couldn’t find dates. “I love reading and watching science fiction. I have the complete set of Star Wars collectables.”
            This was pure torture. Kathleen owed her. Having her eyebrows waxed was better than this.
            “Go! Two minutes”.
            This one had a real job. “I work at a bank.”
            “Oh, what do you do?” Alex was a bit intrigued. 
            “Oh, I meant to say I worked a bank. Until I went to jail for embezzling. I have served my time and am looking for work right now. I’m on probation for five years,” Mitchell said with a smile. 
            “Isn’t that a felony?” Alex couldn’t believe she was having this conversation. 
            “Yeah, I’ll get a job soon. I’m staying with my mom right now. She has plenty of room and doesn’t mind if I bring the ladies by,” he managed with a wink. 
            “Go! Two minutes”.
            Thank God it was almost over! Alex was never going to repeat this experience. As her last speed-date babbled on about his inability to wear corrective shoes, Alex watched Kathleen laugh and chat away with hers. Kathleen looked like she really enjoyed doing this. Alex was in awe--and misery.
            When it was finally over Alex and Kathleen headed to the bar for a drink to compare notes.
            “This was too much fun! These guys are a riot! I think I may meet the ex-con for drinks later!” Kathleen giggled at the thought of her possible date.
            “Are you insane?” Alex couldn’t believe her ears. 
            “Did you not have fun Alex?” Kathleen looked genuinely surprised.
            “Kathleen, I realize your fun and my fun are two totally different things. You know I would do anything for you but NEVER ask me to do this again! It was pure torture!” Alex didn’t mean to come across so agitated but she just couldn’t help it.
            Kathleen looked a bit hurt but after her first margarita she was understanding and agreed to take her sister next time. Alex couldn’t wait to get home, take a long shower and crawl into bed. Suddenly, being alone sounded wonderful.

Book Links

About Linda

Take 2 is Linda Bolton’s first novel and it is available on Amazon. She is currently working on her second, 
to be released soon. When she isn't writing, Linda is a GiGi, playing with her new granddaughter, Z, 
and working full time. 

Where you can connect with Linda

Some reviews of Take 2

“Which one of us doesn’t fantasise about our favourite actor falling madly and deeply in love with them? 
In Take 2 the main character, Alexandra Daniels, gets to fulfil every girl's fantasy when she catches the eye of sexy Scottish actor Derek Dunbar! The sex scenes, while expressive, are far from offensive or smutty. 
I enjoyed this story so much I had a hard time putting it down!!!”
MAugusto – 5 stars

 “An older woman that a gorgeous and sexy, and famous movie star falls in love with?! 
Who wouldn't love to live out such a fantasy?”
Alex Economides – 4 stars

“Take 2 felt like a guilty pleasure. It was easy to get involved in the story and the likable characters. 
It was an enjoyable escape that took me away from it all. The writing was clear and easy to follow. 
Never knew what to expect which made it fun.”
Brenda Perlin – 5 stars

 Thanks for reading - look out for another WOW writer next Wednesday!
Happy reading & writing! :) 

Please note: book excerpts are never edited.

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