
Saturday, 3 January 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (3): One night, one girl and one song

I wrote this poem at about 1am this morning. Writer JD Mader runs a Friday writing day on his blog, Unemployed Imagination - you can write whatever you like in the space of 2 minutes. Being on London time, it was pretty late... or early for me! I think it's funny how your brain churns out different things, depending how tired it is, and sometimes it goes all quirky. This poem is rambling, I guess, without structure. JD's initial story contained the line 'It was one night, and one girl, and one song', and I used it as a prompt. Here is his blog if you'd like to have a go next week or have a read of all the stories written -

So, here's my 2-minute poem...

One night, one girl and one song

the song ended
but she never did
her image etched forever
on my mind
still there
dancing in the chill rain
her windswept hair catching
the thin, white cloth
stretched, drenched
to the skin
I gazed
stuck in the moment
nothing else to do
she never saw
while the music played on
an old rock song
seldom sung
a dog barked
her head turned once
lips turning up
like a bow at the edges
just one smile
only one
yet it was enough

copyright Vickie Johnstone


  1. Love it. I was stoked you stopped by. Hope to see you there next Friday. :)

    1. Thanks! And I will try. Hey, everyone, flock to Mader's site!! You know what's good for you :)))

  2. Really beautiful Vickie...great images you painted.

    1. Thanks, Jane! Really appreciate your comments :)


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