
Sunday 8 February 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (30): Flash of red

I had a cute close encounter yesterday with Mr Robin when I went out to feed the birds in the garden. He hopped on the branch of the tree right by my head, unfazed and kind of interested. Today, I saw a flash of brightest orange red come down from the tree, so here we go... 

Flash of red

A reddish orange leaf
takes a plunge downward
off a spiky branch

it topples to the ground
swirling lightly upon the air;
a leaf but not a leaf

gradually it takes form –
beak, legs and brown feathers;
it’s a red robin swooping

eager, sprightly, hopeful
with an eye upon the ground
full splattered with seed

with speedy small pecks
he makes haste to eat before
the weighty pigeon waiting

copyright Vickie Johnstone

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