
Sunday 22 February 2015

A Poem a Day 2015 (33): Magic dust

Happy Sunday! I haven't been on here since Valentine's Day as I've done my back in. Currently have sciatica for the first time - oh joy! Makes me feel for anyone who has it all of the time. Commuting to work in London becomes a unique kind of hell as it is always overcrowded, and designed for the able-bodied and no one else. Anyway, turning to something nicer, here's a poem I wrote about dreams, escapism and fairy tales. It was written for JD Mader's 2minutesgo challenge on his blog on Fridays - check it out :) 

Magic Dust

Upwards they soar and I follow
On the breeze of awakening

Magic dust

In free air I paddle my legs
Flipping feet and flying arms
Not knowing why
Or where I am going
Will I fall?

Catch me if you can in an open net
Let me sit upon your floating carpet
Flying through these towers drawn

Between fairy tales we’ll weave
Rewriting these stories of old
Laughing at dragons blowing fire
As we dip our carpet this way
In awe as knights battle for fair maiden

Magic dust

Do I have enough of you to find
Merlin pottering in his endless caves
Or Rapunzel washing her lively hair

These days are worn as dreams
And in between I tiptoe lest I wake.

copyright Vickie Johnstone

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