
Monday, 25 April 2016

A Poem a Day (56): Too slow to flow

Another one for JD Mader's #2minutesgo Friday challenge. Cheers.

Stream effect
It’s too slow to flow
Far too fast to fly
Never saying goodbye
Dreading to stand still

Pictures pass in flashes
Faces never held too long
Sentences always broken
Paths never taken to the end

It’s too complicated
To stop, and think and feel
Decide what now to do
When tomorrow blinds

To pause means to die
Preferring the haze I flow
As liquid trickles its way
This hand will never stay

Don’t try to catch this
The movement I create
The substance I escape
In this mood ethereal

I am this echo of breath
A warmth upon the mirror
Disappearing upon the air
Lost on the ocean’s wave.

copyright Vickie Johnstone, 22 April, 2016


  1. Vickie - The rhythm in this poem flows fast, like the rushing water you describe - I particularly enjoyed the last lines "I am this echo of breath...Disappearing upon the air...Lost on the ocean's wave." Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Stacie. Cheers for reading. Really appreciate you stopping by and your comments. Have a great day :)


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