
Sunday 23 July 2017

A Poem a Day (64): Live

Another flash poem written for JD Mader's 2minutes go writing exercise... kicking my lazy writing butt


She made it sound so easy
A four-letter word
A small sound
Sweet in its escape
But a lie upon my wounds.
I can let it lie
Or I can let it die
I can let it fester in my hand –
These things sound so easy
These things I tell myself.

Secrets carried deep inside
Kept in the darkest places
Written in an unseen hand
Never to be read
Never to be spoken
Never to be heard –
These things taste bitter
Borne hard upon the breath.

So make it stop
He made it sound so easy
Another four-letter word
Harsher than the first
Darker than the void
Starker than the pit
In which he found himself –  
But to live was so heavy
And stop so light
That the sun hid itself.

You live, she said
In the corners of my mind
As she read the words aloud
And they listened
And they wept
And they stared down
Where the light couldn’t find
Any sanctuary to rest in
As they buried him
Deep within the ground.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, July 21, 2017

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