
Wednesday 15 August 2018

A Poem a Day (78): Morning

Flash fiction written for JD Mader's 2minutes go writingexercise... It's every Friday-Sunday, so if you fancy writing something - whatever you feel like - head over there, or just read the flash fiction and poetry.


Morning does not have your eyes,
But it keeps time more evenly.
This is the place I like to come
To sit, to speculate in the sun,
Like coffee perculating in a
Cup. Alone with my thoughts,
All else distant, as though life
Exists in a bubble.

At home the dust is mounting,
The cobwebs sprouting hair
To rival a good many beards,
Likely to house the same little
Spiders, wriggling their many
Black legs in the air.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, March 10, 2018

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