
Friday 18 October 2019

A Poem a Day (112): Spiral out

Written for JD Mader's 2minutesgo website – head over there to write, read and comment, and be inspired/inspire...

Spiral out

Torn nerve lines of cabbage leaves
Trace new countries, waiting wounded

Silences leave me dead, fluttering,
The wings of the butterfly seared

Accompany me into this red desert
This place of dry, unwilling longing

Spiral, it spirals, it yearns, it burns

This colour corrects, consumes, replays,
So we drift within it, seeking out

You play the fiddle as the sky opens,
Flinging tears across this battlefield

Where times sleep, ravaged, open hands
Still grasp this earth, a sense of self

Spin, it spins, it feeds, it curls

And I see what you have lost, where
You turned wrong, unknowing, unseeing

I feel the desert cry in wrack and ruin,
Disobeying you, turning its back

The rain lies heavy, sinking, pulling you
Down into the mire of autumn’s breast.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, October 18, 2019

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