
Friday 24 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 24: Driving me bananas

Hi, I’m doing NaPoWriMo on The challenge is to write a poem a day in April.  

For Day 24, the prompt was to write about a fruit, so it all went bananas.

This is the prompt for the April 24 poem:
Today’s prompt is a fairly simple one: to write about a particular fruit – your choice. But I’d like you to describe this fruit as closely as possible… There’s honestly an awful lot you can write about a fruit!

Driving me bananas

Hey there, big banana!
I like your bendy curves!
You’re the easy-going fruit
That everyone adores.

Your label says you travelled far,
From the lush green of Ecuador,
Home of the scarlet macaw,
Howler monkey and fierce jaguar.

Now it’s nearly time to undress you
And strip off your thick yellow coat
To reveal the lemon dress beneath –
I could make a banana long boat!

Or should I just eat you straight?
Starting with the tip of the crown?
I have to hurry up and decide
Before you turn a shade of brown.

As a kid I liked you with lashings
Of custard, thick and very sweet.
A favourite among school dinners,
I stuffed my face with all I could eat.

“Bananas in pyjamas
Are coming down the stairs,
Bananas in pyjamas
Are chasing teddy bears!”

This is the song we used to sing.
I remember it vividly – oh, what fun!
I picture you bouncing all the way down,
Your little yellow leg racing your chums.

Mmm, maybe I won’t eat you today.
It doesn’t mean you’re not tasty,
But you’ve still got three days’ grace
And to eat you now might be hasty.

I’ll let you stay on this kitchen hook,
Watching life go by from your nook.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, April 24, 2020
I tried to find out who wrote the lyrics to ‘Bananas in Pyjamas’, but I couldn’t find this online.

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