
Sunday 14 June 2020

A Poem a Day (176): Raw

Hi, here’s one I wrote for JD Mader’s 2minutesgo writing exercise, which happens every weekend at his blog, Unemployed Imagination. Head over there to write, read or comment. Have a groovy Sunday!


Face on a bridge
Screaming. A wrench
Of time blown out.

An eyeless skull,
Unrecognisable maw.

He seeks to perfect
In this imperfection.

The red sky bleeds
As the wild sea roils.

He carries a half-moon,
Its shine blackened.

Shaped like a claw,
It’s forgotten him.

There is no shelter.

He cries out his last
Thought. Raw and still.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, June 14, 2020

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