
Monday 15 June 2020

A Poem a Day (178): The yawning track

The yawning track

Grasses sprout in open fissures,
Splitting wood within wood,

Compromising the even beams
Now there is so much of time.

This wooden path wanders far,
Its reach a vanishing distancing.

We watch dawn’s nervous rise,
The first birds attempt a song.

We won’t hear its distant rumble
Or feel its bass vibration travel

Because it signed off its journey
Several years back down the line.

It’s a trick of the light that brings
Steam, the roar, the whistling dragon,

For it won’t come calling here.
All we have is a solitary silence,

Broken by blackbirds and dry twigs
Snapping beneath our feet.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, June 15, 2020

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