
Friday 24 July 2020

A Poem a Day (220): Bones


He wanted to bury her alive,
Watch her disintegrate into pieces
Because she refused to play.
She didn’t notice him in the crowd
So he wanted to make her listen
To a world repeating his refrain,
Over and over like a madman,
Trampling all the things she loved.

Her hair spreads out like fingers
Rooting through dirt’s fine entrails,
Seeking exposure and light.
Everything rots in this dank earth.
Her bones call out in the woods,
Rattle in their soft, unwanted cage.
She knew she’d never leave here
The moment he invited her in.

He wanted to bury her forever
Where the sun would never shine
And she’d be alone in her suffering,
Not knowing why he’d done it.
But that was part of the game for him,
To be the one always in the shadows
Manipulating, pulling all the strings,
Laughing while she ran around and around.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, July 24, 2020

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