
Friday 3 July 2020

A Poem a Day (197): Silver slither

Silver slither

Cat’s claw dangling in the sky,
Mark of silver set upon high.

It dazzles this far-flung ground,
Blinking light, echoes sound.

It leaps and dances amongst cloud,
Majestic, upturned and proud.

It does not need to be named.
Neither will it ever be tamed.

It reasons with the fiercest waves,
Their ebb and flow, they all behave.

The tides shift to the moon’s call,
Lighting the way so ships never fall.

Once a year the coral reefs take heed.
Across the oceans they spill their seed.

And in this way the true faery moon
Sparkles the earth with its fair fortune.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, July 3, 2020

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