
Monday 13 July 2020

A Poem a Day (209): Catapult

Dedicated to all the people who haven’t been able to go far, or perhaps anywhere at all in these bizarre times. A walk around the corner, discovering your local streets and parks has been the highlight of the day or week for many people. Imagine you could just ping anywhere, where would you go?


You can go places
With a catapult.
Dispel your fears,
Focus on lost dreams.

Take a cheap flight
Over ocean time.
Seek out Neptune
In a very cheap seat.

Not for the fainthearted
Or those with vertigo.
However you snap it,
There’s still far to go.

With a little skip,
Grab hold, pull back,
Take a big breath
And off you’ll sail.

It’s quite ridiculous,
So don’t think about it.
Just close your eyes and…

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, July 13, 2020

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