
Sunday 19 July 2020

A Poem a Day (215): Misted minds

The subject of this poem is Alzheimer’s disease and memory.

Misted minds
I conjure up this supple mist in stages.
We write, we draw, we freefall down
To collect the things we want to own.

I offer you a glass and you take it,
The comfort in the giving of the thing.
But you reside with ghosts of this passing,
This unreflected penchance for tears.

I follow you down corridors pitch black
Where your mind hatches creatures of the night,
But you don’t recognise one thing you see.

Just know you’re being observed by me.
I think you feel I will keep you safe somehow,
The ‘somehow’ in this sentence lost in mime.

Silk white feathers draw out a carpet for us,
So light it rises to float in this air we breathe.
This forgetting game, can we survive it all?
This unreflected penchance for tears.

I see you lose yourself here alone at times,
Your restless thoughts build more corridors,
More than your labyrinthine mind can allow.

We will explore them all before we return.
I know you won’t be the same, but there’s hope
In the fact you won’t remember anything bad at all.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, July 18, 2020

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