
Wednesday 29 July 2020

A Poem a Day (225): Violation


You weep at their regard,
Turn heads to the wall,
Hide faces in this old dark,
Blind your memories dead.

You don’t want them to see,
And you don’t want their eyes
Grown on stalks penetrating
Your skin, your flesh, your self.

You want them to disappear
For all the things they’ve done.
You want them to perish
And feel no shame in wishing.

These men don’t belong here
And yet they still come in.
There is no end to their need,
Against which you all plead.

You are the canvas, the paper,
The object forced to yield.
So you turn heads to the wall,
Try not to feel anything at all.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, July 29, 2020

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