
Tuesday 4 August 2020

A Poem a Day (231): Planets

Hi, this is a poem I posted on Saturday on JD Mader’s Unemployed Imagination website for his 2minutesgo writing challenge. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to tweet about his site. He offers up his blog every weekend for anyone to go there and write fiction or poetry or anything that takes your fancy. You can read other people’s writing, get feedback and comment. Maybe check it out next week! Have a groovy Tuesday. 😊 He’s a very good writer, so check out his books and the rest of his blog too!


Is this our awakening,
This fanciful take-off
To a new planet we invented
While the toast burned
And the news reel jammed?

We hearken back to youth,
But it doesn’t hold our truth
Any more. We stack up pages,
Lived, unlived and cancelled out.

The things we loved we list,
The others whimper in the dark.
Suits step up bodies to succeed,
Not glancing back like Oedipus.
We regard their steady march
For they know not where they go.

Our breakout blasts in colours,
Ripping this red firework sky.
It’s our token totem to the earth,
Awaiting our return.

Patience holds while we learn
And echo our lessons hereafter,
Floating out on tepid waters,
Our anchors raised, sails mastered.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, August 1, 2020 (July 29 first draft)

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