
Saturday 8 August 2020

A Poem a Day (236): Your attitude

This week, in poetry class (online!), I was introduced to Czeslaw Milosz. He wrote about freedom at a time when he didn't have any. He writes a lot about the power of imagination, freedom of thought and oppression, and the human condition. He lived through the Nazi occupation of Warsaw, helped Jewish families to escape and defected during the Russian occupation. He's a very interesting poet to look up. So I was thinking about his poetry when I wrote this. Think about the world we live in - we can still see where people don't have freedom of thought and expression, where free speech still doesn't truly exist, and where human rights are ignored, people are still not equal. And yet it's the year 2020.

 I just posted this one on JD Mader’s 2minutesgo writing party on his blog, Unemployed Imagination. His site is open all weekend for you to head over to write whatever you like - go scribble, have a read or comment. Have a groovy Saturday 😊


Your attitude

Your attitude will not be tolerated
they tell us. Stand in line. Hug yourself.
Either conform or you’re out. It’s the law.

Around here it expels from the white paint,
everything washed the same, stagnant walls.

We frown upon difference. It’s subversive.
We’ll burn your words if we don’t approve.

Do you have a problem with that, stick man?

History shows our heroes were unconventional.
Our freedom of expression is something to wear,

not flung in the corner with never-worn shoes.

Like with like, let’s file everything in order,
from A to B, head to tail. As it should be.

And we won’t stand for slouching.

If we look at ourselves, who do we see?
Who are you trying to fool, trying to be?

I see you, but some parts are fading out.
I see you shedding stones to carry it all,

Fitting on to their narrow walkways,
So scared to stand out, so scared to fall.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, August 8, 2020

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