
Tuesday 1 September 2020

A Poem a Day (251): Visions



We crowd in, crowd out.
Wake soundless, dream-rapt.

Pure morning builds itself out
while we wish to gaze inside

within the walls of our mind,
crazy corridors of fantastic hue,

blighted bridges ripped to fall,
semi-realised portraits of our past,

faces we only half recognise
in episodes we’ve co-written

with our imagination, our host
who designs the scenes, the stage,

the actors without our knowledge.
It’s lost to us how this all forms

and why our invisible plays
dance on without our say.

we know not where they go,
or how we craft them so,

living paintings of our minds,
stealing us away in dreams,

reshaping an alternative vista
to escape the cold outside.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 1, 2020

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