
Tuesday 29 September 2020

A Poem a Day (266): Even the moon

Even the moon
We talk of truth with a few select words,
Ring the promise of change for a bare fortune,
Climb passages of faded out purest light
Where escape is just a seconded paradise.
If you play it right you might reap something,
But the day is rich in substance born of scorn,
Of starlit flesh and a creeping, crawling like
You bring upon your back. December’s woes
Sigh under embers amid cracking ice floes,
But you’ll walk out upon it, this dead lake.
The deep freeze reflects your sympathies,
Each dark realm echoes your inner turmoil.
Invitations of empathy turn your heart black.
It’s an unresolved lesson, never fully heeded,
But I’ve remembered the decades walking back
And see how nothing changes. Even the moon.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 29, 2020

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