
Monday 5 October 2020

A Poem a Day (270): Two skins

Two skins
He runs between these forbidden ways,
veins coursing down narrow train lines,
etched in skin, serrated pink ruin,
travels in ordinary flesh moulded to him.
Lost summers chase his back, tattooed inks
pay homage to his life’s long gathering,
drawing his heart line from end to shine.
She treads a pattern of convoluted curves,
wood slats precarious on a bridge of discord.
Misplaced fools peer into this great grey sea,
enrich its bleakness, take it by the hand.
Steel bracelets rattle from wrist to elbow,
Whistle a restless tune of artless wandering,
drawing her heart line in their shimmering.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, October 5, 2020

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