
Monday 9 November 2020

A Poem a Day (295): Pantoum: our own tune

Writing a pantoum
This week’s homework for the poetry course I’m doing through Coffee-House Poetry is to write a pantoum. Here’s a form Id never heard of. I’m starting to realise how totally ignorant I am when it comes to poetic form. There are so many and probably changing as I type!
What is it?
OK, a pantoum is a series of quatrains. The 2nd & 4th lines of each quatrain repeat as the 1st & 3rd lines of the next quatrain. Lines 1 and 3 of quatrain one become lines 2 and 4 of the final quatrain, but can be reversed. I imagine your mind blowing, exploding all over the place - mine did.
Anyway, have a google of pantoum (not pantaloons or balloons or phantoms) and read away – there’s lots out there to discover. Here’s one I didn’t do for homework.
Our own tune
We stand in memories of light,
twisted notes on the harpsichord,
repetitions of motions already played,
notes within notes within notes.
Hear these songs on the harpsichord,
guided by our own hands hither,
notes within notes within notes.
In the end we compose our own tune,
guided by our own hands hither.
The fire still burns for us, but
in the end we compose our own tune,
play it out to the world alone.
The fire still burns within us,
repetitions of motions long played.
We play it out to the world alone,
and bathe in memories of light.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, November 11, 2020

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