
Monday 14 December 2020

A Poem a Day (325): Bridges & 3 more haiku

We build bridges here,
sun-stroked, pigeon-poked, flat ride.
Arms across a lake.
Silver snow-clad hills,
ice dances glinting like jewels,
water rests on pause.
A skylark, pretty,
sings to the day it loves so.
Tonight it might stray.
Sinking sun drips down.
Night rustles in, sprinkles stars,
spreads its blanket wide.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, December 14, 2020
If you like haiku, I have a collection of 365 for sale in the usual places. The book is called Life’s Rhythms and it’s available as an ebook (99p) or a paperback (around £5). I love blackbirds, so there is one on the cover :)
Smashwords (ebook is free)
Kobo (ebook is free)
Barnes & Noble (ebook is free)
Thanks :) 

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