
Saturday 26 December 2020

Boxing Day poem: Christmas

from Mind-spinning Rainbows 
(a collection of 154 poems, published April 2015)
It approaches, this night, as a phantom roar,
blessing me with a silver starlit sky so clear.
From the sanctitude of my den I watch
delicate patterns of purest snow unfold –
they scatter on the blowing wind that wails,
dancing and swirling on these wintry gales.
Quick flash of red vest tells me he’s arrived,
my robin, hopping between paving stones,
flicking the sodden leaves, pecking sticks,
before he spies the milky bread I’ve gifted him.
Glancing up quickly, he moves so sprightly,
fearful lest he take his freedom too lightly.
I draw the shawl closer about my shoulders,
snug by the fire where the embers glow.
In these quiet moments I treasure my days,
however short they may seem to be now –
simple pleasures come to warm my heart
for they are mine to enjoy before we part.
A handful of cards stare down from the mantel
amid glistening streams of purple-red tinsel.
The mirror bewitches, offering to tell a fortune
to this one whose beauty paled so long ago –
as though waking, the clock strikes twice,
sounding echoes in the memories of my life.
I stand by the window while the cat warms my chair,
waiting for the doorbell and the children’s cheers
that will mark the arrival of my dearest kin.
I welcome Christmas that comes but once a year,
for its merriness makes me forget all my woes,
warming me from my fingertips down to my toes.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone
In the YouTube series of me reciting my poems, here I am reading out this one. The video goes live at 6pm UK time. Thanks to Graham Fraser for organising this YouTube series. Happy Boxing Day :)

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