
Monday 28 December 2020

Parcel by the door & 4 more haiku

Parcel by the door,
no card. Warm lemony wafts.
Cold hands bring it in.
Chopping oranges,
citrus zests jest, red wine pours,
kissing as they mull.
White lace surfs the sky.
A bride for the waiting moon,
suited in black tie.
Snow fell, winter hush,
underfoot crunch. Air whispers
our damp warm breath back.
Frosted stars falling,
snowflakes dance in figure eights,
blanketing the moor.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, 2020 
In the YouTube series of me reciting my poems, here I am reading out these ones. The video goes live at 6pm UK time. Thanks to Graham Fraser for organising this YouTube series. Cheers :)

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