
Wednesday 6 January 2021

A Poem a Day (344): Needs must

Needs must
Needs must, so people like to say,
but whose needs are the must-worthy?
The majority focus on their wants,
compromising only to their own limits,
holding their requirements most dear:
“We must do what is right for us.”
So where can we find a balance,
make a mark of separation in the sand?
It will shift with the coming waves,
the ebb and flow of daily life.
We could gather shells on either side
to ensure the line never moves,
that stasis is the measure of ourselves,
an inflexible stubborness to give.
The horizon bubbles in the heat of day,
the sea full out, glinting silver spray,
and where we stand our feet sink in,
our toes collecting streams of sand.
There are no dividing lines, no partitions.
The one we drew encompasses us all.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 6, 2020

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