
Sunday 24 January 2021

A Poem a Day (360): Cotton-wool snow



Cotton-wool snow
Snow bunches like cotton wool,
dotted tails crossing the lake,
a frozen, speckled photograph,
ivory dusted upon white;
reflections of greyless pearl,
water’s circles pure scratches,
bubble silent, captured now.
The mallards have flown
to where the water still blows,
beaks spading the soft dirt shore.
This cloud-free no-colour sky
casts the scene in black & white,
frosting the green, crisp serene,
silver glitters on holly like sugar.
Trees walk like shadow men,
dip to touch the fresh ground
with straggly stick-thin limbs,
leaving scratched striations.
Listen to their hollow crunch
echo around the forest walls.
Snow blown, dark wind biting,
the trees bough before they sleep.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 24, 2021

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