
Monday 4 January 2021

Snow flower

Continuing the seasonal poems about Christmas and winter, with a reading...
Snow flower
Tiniest snow-white petals
like freshwater pearls,
star-like clusters swaying
on a stem so spindly
it looked to break
in the hearkening wind.
Yet it proved so hardy,
lone amongst skinny weeds,
concealing its brightness
so even the bees didn’t see.
The man sheltered it
with the curve of his hand,
pitying its aloneness,
its delicate beauty,
for it had a right to be.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, August 6, 2020 
In the YouTube series of me reading my poems, here I am reading this one. The video goes live at 6pm UK time.  
Thanks to Graham Fraser for organising this YouTube series. Cheers :)

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