
Monday 15 February 2021

A Poem a Day (383): Delusions

I’m doing another poetry course at the moment, so this week’s poems are inspired by the word prompts for the week. I’m already on week 4. Yesterday’s pick from the group of words was ‘bees’ and today’s is ‘delusions’.



Delusions may scatter like stars,
breaking in and hurtling out,
grinding themselves into dust,
no longer sparkling, now quite still,
leaving no mark upon the sky.
We squint to perceive their echoes
in vain; no red halos, unglowing.
The dark is blind without starlight,
without a flicker of movement.
Is it something we should worry about,
now that they’ve closed their eyes?
In waiting for dawn, we cross fingers
that this is only the night refuelling
and the stars will return tomorrow.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, February 15, 2021

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