
Saturday 20 February 2021

A Poem a Day (388): Time drop

I've posted this one about dolphins on JD Mader’s 2minutesgo writing blog on his website, Unemployed Imagination. Head over there to read stories and poems, comment or write your own. Write whatever you like. It’s open every weekend. Cheers! Have a groovy Saturday. Yay, the sun is shining! :)

Time drop
It drops, time. It spreads over, sliding
waves cascading, blue-grey years,
tears lost in an unbridled storm.
It separates and skews in sunlight,
skies strewn with our own reflections,
pulled into being when recognised.
Surf lifts and draws under, piles up over,
watery mountains rushing to breathe,
descending into a playground for dolphins,
arched, deep-diving, waxen curves.
We lose sight of time. Seek it out anew.
This ticking loses itself fully submerged.
A lone swimmer strikes for the horizon,
faint smoke-line drifting beyond oceans.
It’s a one-way ticket and he lacks the will
for the return. A white flagged boat drifts,
the sailors’ attention rapt, but the dolphins
riding the torrent swells have long seen him.
They wait for when his pace slackens,
a silent warning that his time is running out.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, February 20, 2021

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