
Wednesday 20 April 2022

NaPoWriMo (Day 20): Daily bread

For the month of April, I’m writing a poem a day from prompts on You can click on the headlines (Day One, etc) to view/add comments. There’s also a list of participants’ sites below the site header.


Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that anthropomorphizes a kind of food. It could be a favorite food of yours, or maybe one you feel conflicted about. I feel conflicted about Black Forest Cake, for example. It always looks so pretty in a bakery window, and I want to like the combination of cherries and chocolate . . . but I don’t. But how does the cake feel about it?

Daily bread
I am rising.
I feel myself almost risen,
bubbling below the surface,
indents and permeations.
I smell warm and cosy,
of balmy vanilla and tangy lemon.
My crust will soon have a crispness
that tempts without crumbling,
my middle softly melting,
something to be savoured.
I am rising,
and falling, resting almost.
Tiny currants decorate me,
little eyes looking out.
Hands remove me from the oven,
place me on a metal tray
and I breathe more freely,
happy to escape the sauna
and cool down, the heat bubbles
evanescent from my pores.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, April 20, 2022


  1. Scrumptious! This one has a beautiful mouthfeel!

    1. Thanks, Alana :) I kind of fancy some crunchy breadstick!


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