
Saturday 14 May 2022

A Poem a Day (505): White on blue & Snake

NaPoWriMo 2022 was a fun month of writing, so for May I’m using the prompts from April 2021’s NaPoWriMo to write poems.
Day 7
And now, for our prompt! There are many different poetic forms. Today, I’d like to challenge you to pick from two of them – the shadorma, and the Fib. The shadorma is a six-line, 26-syllable poem (or a stanza – you can write a poem that is made of multiple shadorma stanzas). The syllable count by line is 3/5/3/3/7/5. Rather poetically, the origin of the shadorma is mysterious. I’ve seen multiple online sources call it Spanish – but “shadorma” isn’t a Spanish word (Spanish doesn’t have “sh” as a letter pairing), and neither is “xadorma,” or “jadorma,” which would approximate “shadorma” in sound. But even if this form is simply the brainchild of an internet trickster who gave it an imaginary backstory, that’s no reason why you shouldn’t try your hand at it. Every form was made up by someone, sometime.
White on blue
Blue sea blows.
A white gull dips, sifts
ice water,
tripping surf,
lifts high on warm breeze to soar,
glides on the updraft.
Gilded snake
curls, smooths its slow way,
gold echo,
bends in bold,
glides its glittering hide out
through long olive grass.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, May 14, 2022

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