
Sunday 4 September 2022

A Poem a Day (533): Companions


Old Man Noble
with this ghost-string hair,
watches from the stables
where the horses gather him
in like family. He smells
of their hide, shares the same
black eyes, the steely stare.
He watches the moon dance in,
star stragglers in her wake.
All is silence while he hums
the memory of his yesterdays,
turning driftwood into gold.
These days are charmed for him,
not steeling the warmth within.
In the stables the mares nod,
sigh and shuffle beside him.
They lay down as he sleeps,
sharing their body heat.
And in the Dreaming time,
he listens to the chicken
bones sing.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 4, 2022

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