
Friday 24 February 2023

A Poem a Day (557): Ashes

This poem was written for JD Maders writing blog, Unemployed Imagination. Head over to join in with 2minutesgo, where you can write anything you like or read other peoples stuff. Cheers. 

Where the tallest of the Ash trees walk,
they fill the translucent air with sighs,
gesticulating branches ever-twisting,
painting pictures in their wand’rings.
Giants, their stuck-up hair peeks on high,
emerald scraggly, shadowed by cloud.
Words are invisible childlike scrawls,
planted in the way seeds become ideas,
full-leafed, moisture-licked, all green,
sap sneaking from fine fissures.
Cutter ants heft their sea of prizes,
shimmer through on stick legs, troops
marching over all these exposed roots
until the tallest trees rise to take their walk
back into their viridescent treasured past,
all the ages covered, seen and unseen,
the trials and endeavours they have witnessed.
These rings within mark their truth.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, February 24, 2023

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