
Saturday, 13 April 2024

A Poem a Day (642): NaPoWriMo Day 13 - Sea sounds

Day 13

Prompt: play with rhyme. Start by creating a word bank of 10 simple words of one or two syllables. Five should correspond to each of the five senses (i.e., one word that is a thing you can see, one word that is a type of sound, one word that is a thing you can taste, etc). Three should be concrete nouns and the last two should be verbs. Now, come up with rhymes for each of your 10 words. Use as much sound play in your poem as possible.

The words: 
Sea, shush, salt, sad, heat, sand, surf, cliff, leap, dive

The rhymes: 
Sea, me, bee, fee, we
Shush, blush, mush, such, gush, hush, lush, plush, rush,
Salt, fault, caught, halt, naught, taught, vault
Sad, mad, bad, cad, fad, glad, had, lad, rad, tad,
Heat, seat, meet, teet, beat, feat, neat, wheat
Sand, hand, band, land, rand, wand,
Surf, turf, birth, worth, dearth,
Cliff, miff, biff, fifth, riff, stiff, tiff,
Leap, deep, heap, reap, seep, weap
Dive, five, hive, jive, live, vive, wife
Flow, glow, mow, sow, bow, how, low, now, plow, row, tow, vow, wow

Sea sounds

Be the sea and me, we weave full-flow,
this gush so lush, this hushed rush and glow.
Sweeping our hands in sand, on land we sow,
this leap so deep, we will not weep and bow.
Will you jive, hi-five, just live or borrow
a tiff with the wife, strum a riff too shallow.
Here the salt once caught halts a no-fault vow,
greet the heat’s hot beat, treat a neat rain shadow.
Beside this lad so rad, we’ll wade no sorrow,
this deep leap keep so no echo seeps tomorrow.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, April 13, 2024

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